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Another boring feminist pretends she's SKEERY: Mona Eltahawy's 'patriarchy' video recorded at #WomensMarch2020 accidentally HILARIOUS

If you want to know how silly the Women’s March has really become, look no further than this video from Mona Eltahawy who for whatever reason thought recording some video of herself flipping the camera off and saying ‘eff this and eff that’ was super impactful or powerful.


And really, all it did was make people laugh.

There are only so many angry feminists with brightly colored hair, horn-rimmed glasses, in cooky colored scarves and coats babbling about the patriarchy that people will pay attention to.

She tried (make sure you have ear buds/headphones available if you’re listening to this crazy in public):

So moving.

So powerful.

So stupid.

That she thought this was worth recording and tweeting says so much about her and it ain’t good.


Right? Whoa, she seems totally sane, we should absolutely listen to her when it comes to matters of the country.


Old man yelling at clouds has got nothin’ on this broad.

Cat ladies of the world unite!



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