About that whole Sondland changing his testimony thing … womp womp womp. Rep. Mark Meadows was good enough to take time from his busy schedule to crush the Left’s hopes and dreams and it just took him two little tweets.
He’s a giver that way.
Seeing many overblown (and outright false) reports about Ambassador Sondland's testimony. Here's what he actually said.
1. I did not (and still don't) know why aid was held up
2. I "PRESUMED" it was because of corruption
3. I told Yermak my assumptionSee paragraph 4 here: pic.twitter.com/STZ2vtrVsv
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) November 5, 2019
So he changed his testimony based on an assumption. For real? First we see the DOJ admitting the got Strzok’s notes screwed up with another agents in the Flynn case and now we see this …
Our government at work, ladies and gentlemen.
Is it just our imagination or is this whole thing just getting dumber and dumber every day?
Democrats and the media are seizing on paragraph five of Sondland's update, where he tells Mr. Yermak the aid may not be released without an anti-corruption statement.
Even *if* you think this is nefarious… Sondland admits in paragraph FOUR this was based on an assumption! https://t.co/OA7MRn5aGf
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) November 5, 2019
Because dude, orange man bad and stuff.
Congress appropriates foreign aid funding, but isn't there some type of agreement prepared with terms and conditions as to what the aid will be used for, goals to be met, financial responsibilities, etc.? Funding could be held until terms are met.
— tweetytweeter (@tweetytweeter61) November 5, 2019
Reading the actual changes are not at all how the media framed it yesterday, why am I not even a little surprised….
— CL_102938 (@CL_102938) November 6, 2019
Right? It sounds like he was really just doing some follow-up but if you only read the media’s take it’s like he had a whole epiphany and decided Trump really DID do something nefarious and illegal.
But eh.
Exactly what I thought, and more of what I've said was going on: The career diplomats were reading things into the situation. Jaded/overreaching.
(In addition, NeverTrumpers among them were making things up.)
— LTW3 (@LeeTggra) November 6, 2019
Just another nothing-burger to get the vapid, angry, and frothy base all worked up in hopes that THIS TIME they’ll finally get Trump.
And once again they won’t.
It would be funny if it weren’t so damn annoying.
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