Telling an entire generation to check their privilege is the most millennial thing ever. And these lil fellers wonder why we all make fun of them.
Look at this hot mess.
We take it back. This thread in general is the most millennial thing EVER.
Seriously, it just gets worse.
Ok to all the Gen Xer’s triggered by this, watch Reality Bites, kid! Check your bible!
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) November 5, 2019
Isn’t that cute? He thinks GenX can be triggered. If he really knew anything about this editor’s generation he’d realize none of us care enough to be triggered by very much.
But we’ll take any opportunity millennials present to us to make fun of them. We’re givers that way.
Every sentence that comes out of a Gen Xer’s mouth has three components: A verb, a noun, and “Empire Records”
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) November 5, 2019
This guy really really really needs to get out more.
I’m sorry that so many brain dead members of the Ethan Hawk Generation are misconstruing my tweet to mean that 9/11 meant nothing to them, but if you graduated college in 2002 you are a millennial, unless you took a gap year bc Y2K was too traumatic or something
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) November 5, 2019
You have to wonder what crawled up his crank to go off on the generation who basically created the very platform he’s using to complain about them.
Sad millennials.
Poor, sad, millennials.
I did, if we’re being honest, slight one year of GenX. The cats who graduated who graduated in 2001 had it very tough. To that one year, I apologize.
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) November 5, 2019
Ok I’m very sorry that I offended all these GenXers who apparently weren’t smart enough to graduated from college on time. My apologies.
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) November 5, 2019
See what we mean? He’s so angry … and at a generation.
It’s hilarious.
I’m sorry I hurt the feelings of so many soft people. If you graduated from college in 2001 or 2002 or, fuck it, 2000, you had some stuff to deal with. Real shit. The other cats also had “real shit” but not less real shit. The majority of Gen X came up during the end of history.
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) November 5, 2019
For some reason he really wants to believe he hurt GenX’s feelings … we should probably point out to him we don’t exactly have feelings.
I’m sure that life was tough for you, Winona. And that the dot com bust was diff and that it was totes unfortunate that you had been so exposed on Ameritrade when Worldcom went soth but I know you’ll come back! You’re strong! You took a bus to Seattle to protest the WTO!
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) November 5, 2019
Sounds like Ben needs a nap.
Uh, Gen X-ers were alive during 9/11 and that recession.
— Mo Mo (@molratty) November 5, 2019
We lived through that recession. Yup.
"No one has suffered like Millennials" is the most millennial thing ever.
— Mo Mo (@molratty) November 5, 2019
Oh ffs you were just getting out of high school during 9/11.
— Bohemio (@El__Bohemio) November 5, 2019
We grew up in the HIV panic and were constantly being told Reagan was gonna turn America into a radioactive desert.
Go soak your head.
— Charles Bellows (@charles_bellows) November 5, 2019
LOL! This is the most Millennial Tweet ever.
— Cranky Gordon (@StillCrankyAF) November 5, 2019
This is a hysterically stupid take and you should be embarrassed for yourself
— Paddy O’Dhonnabhain (@ODhonnabhain) November 5, 2019
And you need to check your head out of your ass
— Ⓖ (@TCC_Grouchy) November 5, 2019
I'm sorry this is happening to you. Thoughts and prayers.
— GenX Janette (@AnimalHouse52) November 5, 2019
You use a hackneyed, trite saying like “check your privilege“ in this tweet and then talk about how “triggered“ everyone is in your next tweet?
OK, millennial.
— WILL & KATE KILLED EPSTEIN? (@mikebreslin815) November 5, 2019
Well, another main difference is that when we graduated, we wanted jobs and majored in things that would help us get those jobs. And never expected anyone else to pay for us – that's another difference.
— El Jefe (@ElJefeTulum) November 5, 2019
Waaaaaaah, waaaaaaaah, waaaaaaah. You need your diaper changed.
— Sarah Johnson (@SarahJohnsonPR) November 5, 2019
Not it.
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