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Make Consequences Great Again: FBI Agent Who Said New Orleans Wasn't Terror Attack...
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The Show Must Go On? Stephen King Calls for Oscars to Be Canceled...
WATCH: Rambling, Raving Biden Declares that the Equal Rights Amendment Is in the...
Bad Education: New York Spends BILLIONS on Public Schools for Results Like THIS
Fauxcahontas Leads Senate Dems in Shakedown of Tech Bros for GOP Donation

'Hell YES we're going to take your justices!' Charles C.W. Cooke thinks this will be Beto O'Rourke's NEXT campaign promise and LOL

Charles C.W. Cooke has Beto O’Rourke’s pattern of promising mandatory buybacks for things Democrats do not want us to have all figured out.

If they think something is too dangerous for Americans they are more than willing to use our tax dollars to buy it back from us.



Charles may be onto something here …

Wonder if he’ll print up t-shirts for it as well? Write a poem?

You know what? We wouldn’t put any of it past Beto.

Hell YES!

See, it’s even sorta catchy and could totally fit on a bumper sticker.


Hey, if it saves even just one abortion.


YES. And the conservative activists Beto spoke to were in the bathroom with him … or something.

In the office, while he was getting his teeth cleaned?

Ugh, don’t give that woman any ideas, she’s almost as bad as Beto.


Desperation tactic: Thread highlights what’s REALLY going on with new round of lies around Kavanaugh (Dems hardest hit!)

Dumb then, dumb NOW: AOC sharing video of herself smearing Kavanaugh nearly a year ago does NOT go as she planned

WOW: You KNOW the NYT really screwed the pooch when even Joe Scarborough is calling OUT their Kavanaugh hit-piece

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