Google’s CEO admits to this ‘activist journalist’ that they are determining for themselves what ‘hate speech’ constitutes on YouTube and making editorial decisions what to remove, in essence acting as a publisher instead of a platform.
Which we knew.
But to see him admit it? Wow.
This is scary. CEO of Google openly says they “as a company” are deciding what’s “hate speech,” what’s too controversial to be on YouTube. They’re not acting as a PLATFORM (allowing open access), they’re acting as a PUBLISHER (making editorial decisions)
— Cliff Sims (@Cliff_Sims) June 11, 2019
Holy crap, right?
Also worth noting is that the “journalist” is clearly rooting for more censorship. This is the Silicon Valley feedback loop on full display: Lefty, pro-censorship tech CEOs being spurred on by Lefty, pro-censorship activists (“journalists”).
— Cliff Sims (@Cliff_Sims) June 11, 2019
And yup, you can tell this so-called ‘journalist’ is definitely rooting for more censorship on YouTube.
Please note how this editor managed not to make a joke about ‘Velma’s’ voice being sorta deeper than she remembered … wait, she just made that joke.
The march into a digital world comes complete with a mandatory ideology. I don’t think people realize that the rights of the people are endangered. The “build your own platform” doesn’t really fly, when all the infrastructure is owned by a cartel.
— Phillip J Hubbell (@PJHubbell) June 11, 2019
These people control the digital world and to think of them determining what we can and can’t see, write, or say is terrifying.
This interview is the opp of journalism, it's activism from someone who isn't hiding her pro-censorship stance.
The direct correlation between pressure from leftwing activist tech "reporters" & Big Tech's decision to censor speech is strong, dangerous & not talked about enough.
— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) June 11, 2019
Nailed it.
We definitely need to address when journalists are behaving more like activists than journalists but that’s another story.
When CEOs repeatedly make bad decisions, their companies tend to disappear.
— Super Zero (@superzero_) June 11, 2019
You’d think.
Power breeds greed and corruption.
— Jan1243 (@Jan1243) June 11, 2019
Time for some competition
— River Run Records (@RiverRunRecords) June 11, 2019
Eventually companies will just decide who we vote for too maybe? People thought the internet would free us from authoritarianism…but it can do the opposite #EndoftheInternet
— Seth Frantzman (@sfrantzman) June 11, 2019
In a way, these platforms already are trying to ‘help people’ decide who they vote for by controlling the content and acting as … wait for it … publishers instead of platforms.
Scary stuff indeed.
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