David Simon has his panties all sorts of bunched up over the GA law regulating abortion.
Poor David.
Someone should tell him he can still have an abortion up to six weeks into a pregnancy …
I can’t ask any female member of any film production with which I am involved to so marginalize themselves or compromise their inalienable authority over their own bodies. I must undertake production where the rights of all citizens remain intact. Other filmmakers will see this. https://t.co/V2xDPKiMpo
— David Simon (@AoDespair) May 8, 2019
We had no idea who David Simon was but apparently, he’s some writer and producer of several shows this editor has never heard of. But HEY, look out Georgia, since you’re protecting the life of the unborn he won’t be making any of his shows we’ve never heard of in your state now.
So, you guys have to have a lot of abortions while making your movies?! ?.
— Bill Mason, DDS (@billmasondds) May 10, 2019
Who knew abortions were such a big thing during a production?
It’s the wives and daughters of Republican legislators hurling themselves at visiting cast and crew that sometimes presents complications, yes. https://t.co/RzuZplWnrG
— David Simon (@AoDespair) May 10, 2019
Fascinating how he was just bellyaching about protecting a woman’s ‘right’ to have an abortion and now he’s calling Republican women sluts.
Talk about a class act.
And I, a Neilson home member are boycotting all entertainment you are affiliated with. This black box will never tune into any program you are involved in pic.twitter.com/b22KCpTA6b
— FollowTheMoney (@FollowTheMone16) May 10, 2019
We couldn’t name a single program David is involved in so there’s that.
Hee. I haven’t looked at a Nielsen rating in seven fucking years. Anything I film that gains an immediate audience went wrong somewhere. Thanks, HBO. https://t.co/tg2qXT1U0h
— David Simon (@AoDespair) May 10, 2019
So he says he doesn’t look at Nielsen but anything he does that gains an immediate went wrong somewhere?
Does he realize he just owned himself?
Pro tip: If you're declaring a boycott and pretending as if it will have any effect, maybe don't self-own like this https://t.co/5Gl8D9rFnA
— Mo Mo (@molratty) May 10, 2019
Ok, so it’s not just us.
Pro-tip: Confusing the revenue stream and benefit to STATES from PRODUCTION with the revenue stream to FILM ENTITIES from BROADCAST and thinking it insight is for gibbering pratfalling submoronics. https://t.co/JXRMC83Q7C
— David Simon (@AoDespair) May 10, 2019
Ooh, David must feel stupid because he’s using a bunch of big words now.
I think it's legitimately hilarious that he's acting like he didn't self own. We all see right through you, sweet pea. https://t.co/IUVdP4QGBB
— Mo Mo (@molratty) May 10, 2019
Literally and legitimately hilarious. Yes.
Sweetpea. One word. Like scrotelick. As you were. And, yeah, if you're stupid enough to think that I've been at HBO for 21 years and 7 series because people found my stuff on Sunday nights, you don't understand the model or the history. But I do. And boy it pays. https://t.co/5DDB5O7Fy0
— David Simon (@AoDespair) May 10, 2019
Actually, not to be THAT person, but sweet pea is two words.
Also, if you have to tell people how successful and/or rich you are, you’re neither.
Talk about an insecure toad.
He just called me "scrotelick" ???
You're like a walking Twitter Rorshach Test, David. https://t.co/kXxpcXI4iP
— Mo Mo (@molratty) May 10, 2019
And accidentally very entertaining.
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