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Keep DIGGING! Ted Lieu loses it EVEN MORE when Trump retweets 'right-wing' tweet about Candace Owens OWNING him

Rep. Ted Lieu’s horrible, terrible, no-good, very bad week just keeps getting worse and worse, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving fella. After getting his backside handed to him by Candace Owens on Tuesday, the thin-skinned representative has continued to grumble and complain in social media about how badly he looked during that whole exchange. He’s tried over and over again to prove Candace is pro-Hitler or whatever, and over and over again he’s failed.


But this may have finally driven Ted over the edge.

Not necessarily this tweet alone … although it’s a good tweet.

No, what really got under the rep’s skin is the fact Trump RETWEETED this tweet.

Someone please take Ted’s shovel from him because he’s just digging his hole deeper and deeper. On second thought, let him keep the shovel. *popcorn*


We’re not sure he is smart after this week. Seriously, this has been so bad.


God bless the Founding Fathers.

Pretty much.

Something like that.


AWFUL: CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin calls illegal immigrants a ‘pestilence’ in rant about Trump and #SanctuaryCities (watch)

‘You MIGHT wanna sit down for this.’ Sean Spicier’s tweet about Obama admin spying sends Libs over the EDGE (bonus Biden)

It’s all HAPPENING! Ex-Obama White House counsel indicted for false statements, concealing work for Ukraine (Lefties FREAK)

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