It’s time.
Kavanaugh and his family have been through enough and if Ford does indeed push testifying out again, they need to move on.
Sen. Bob Corker says GOP senators were told at lunch to expect to be in DC this weekend to process Kavanaugh nomination quickly.
— Alex Bolton (@alexanderbolton) September 25, 2018
Bob Corker, eh? Interesting.
Does this mean that no matter what game Ford and her attorney’s try this time to push for an extension it won’t matter? That if she doesn’t testify it’s over and time to vote?
PLEASE let this be true.
— Me Chomper (@chmpr) September 25, 2018
They better
— Reginald Harper (@harperreginald1) September 25, 2018
Get your YES button ready Corker!
— Rick Beringer (@DocBeringer) September 25, 2018
With the amount of bellyaching on this thread from the Left it certainly sounds like this could very well be happening:
A man goes to a job interview for one of the highest positions in the land. He has multiple, credible sexual abuse allegations against him, you can’t view all his backround records, and he lied during the interview. Would you hire him? AMERICA DESERVES BETTER! “con job” INDEED!
— April (@speakout_april) September 25, 2018
The only con job we’ve seen is coming from people who magically remember but don’t remember Kavanaugh somehow sexually assaulting him, even though they have no witnesses, can’t tell anyone when or where it happened, and keep trying to get out of testifying.
Republicans are starting a fire thats going to burn them down in the midterms. Fine by me. We can get the FBI investigation and impeach Kavanaugh after Dems regain control in Jan. 2019. What's worse, never being confirmed? Or being impeached months later?#WithdrawKavanaugh
— MandarIN C?gnito????? (@Mandari25733571) September 25, 2018
These people have been screaming at the GOP since Trump beat their queen nearly two years ago.
Bring it.
Absolute crooks. Each and everyone of them. This cannot stand!
— Barbara Luciano (@BarbaraLuciano2) September 25, 2018
So dramatic.
@SenBobCorker Sir please I implore you not to vote for this pitiful excuse. Women Deserve Better. Workers Deserve BETTER! AMERICA DESERVES BETTER!! #NoKavanaughSCOTUS
— Tweedyboy57 (@tweedyboy57) September 25, 2018
Like we said, dramatic.
News for the GOP: Ram him through and you WILL face consequences.
— stsa (@stsa7535) September 25, 2018
News to the Left, the Right has been united behind Kavanaugh and these ridiculous claims and attempts to smear and destroy this man’s life. You have been shown to be dishonest and desperate … and it’s time to vote.
Confirm Kavanaugh.
TOO FAR! Jimmy Kimmel’s ABHORRENT and violent joke about Kavanaugh BITES him right in the a*s
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