You’d think by now that gun control advocates would have figured out going after Dana Loesch over and over again is maybe not such a great idea. We get it, she’s a huge draw for their ‘fan base’ and for some reason, they think to set themselves up for destruction is somehow a good way to get their anti-gun message out.
Don’t look at us man, we just work here.
For example, the NoRA group went after Dana this time over #MeToo:
Dana Loesch attacks #MeToo movement as political opportunism. #NoRA
— #NoRA (@NoRA4USA) August 16, 2018
Blah blah blah. We’re surprised they didn’t say she’s literally Hitler.
Alyssa Milano then chimed in:
Too many women are murdered by armed intimate partners every year, so maybe @DLoesch should think twice about criticizing #MeToo.
Propagandists who profit off of tragedy don’t get to attack victims of abuse.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) August 16, 2018
Her first statement is almost worth tweeting, of course, Second Amendment advocates would push to arm and train women so they’re not victims, but both sides can agree that there is a problem with domestic abuse.
But she probably should have stopped before the ‘propagandists who profit off of tragedy’ bit.
There are absolutely people who have hijacked real stories of abuse for political purposes. It’s commentary on the consistency of criticism involving Keith Ellison. Maybe think twice before rushing to zealous spin.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 16, 2018
Oh yeah, the Keith Ellison nugget. Surely Alyssa has been all over that story, right?
Can’t seem to locate your tweets calling for Keith Ellison to resign…..
— ?????? ???????? (@SecritSqrl) August 16, 2018
Well, to be fair we did go out and scour Alyssa’s timeline looking for both an answer to Dana and tweets where she called Ellison out.
Guess what we didn’t find.
@Alyssa_Milano should just settle back into her mansion and leave the real world issues to regular Americans that actually live in the real world. Alyssa has never fired a gun or took a gun class but seems to be an expert on something she knows nothing about. Typical Hollywood
— Yep I said it (@Dong_Dong23) August 16, 2018
We are a two gun household. I have fired guns for roles and taken safety courses to do so. And like 80% of responsible gun owners, I support stricter gun laws and will continue to fight until we fix the gun violence epidemic in this country.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) August 16, 2018
We’re not entirely sure which 80% of responsible gun owners she’s talking about but hey, whatever floats her boat.
Great… so you own guns to protect your family. Same as the majority of American gun owners. So what would these stricter gun laws look like that 80% of gun owners support. Because honestly I don’t believe you know what you support in regards to gun laws.
— Yep I said it (@Dong_Dong23) August 16, 2018
*neither do we*
Close gun show loophole. Universal background check. 3 day waiting period. And red flag laws.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) August 16, 2018
Awww, right.
Universal background checks is a Trojan horse. It can't be enforced without universal registration – which isn't happening. Furthermore, it's WAY over reaching.
— schotts ?????? (@schotts) August 17, 2018
And red flag laws are a disaster.
But you know, narrative and stuff.
.@DLoesch blocked me when I called her out for joking about back to school safety tips. Her husband, @ChrisLoesch, also finds humor at the expense of gun violence victims acceptable. To all of her sponsors, how can you support this monster?#NoRA
— Robyn Ruth (@Robyn_Resists) August 16, 2018
Ridiculous claim. The humor was pointed at the joke of a sheriff who has shown he has no business giving any students safety tips. BTW, dead children are literally made the hurt of jokes hurled at @DLoesch and all NRA members by people like you every day. Grave dancing ghouls.
— Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch) August 16, 2018
That. ^
Wait just a damn minute, Alyssa Milano! THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO PROFIT OFF OF TRAGEDIES ARE DEMOCRATS! "Don't let a good tragedy go to waste". The words of Rombo Deadfish Emanuel, when he was in the Obama Admin. Let me tell you, they never did then, and haven't lost ground since!
— ❌Lewis❌ (@LSU49) August 16, 2018
We warned her about that whole profiting on propaganda line.
Have you tweeted in regards to the allegations against #KeithEllison I guess it only fits when it's under your narrative. #MeToo
— Kelly M. (@mooneymama1) August 16, 2018
Do you denounce Keith Ellison?
— Johnny 'Blade' Clark (@JohnBladeClark) August 16, 2018
Sensing a theme here.
As usual.
RIGHT in the white privilege! Chris Cillizza ranks 2020 Dems, lists being a WHITE MAN as a flaw
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