As Twitchy readers know, Ben Shapiro offered to donate $10,000 to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign if she would debate him. That’s all she had to do to raise a substantial amount of money, and if she’s truly as confident as she claims to be in her ideas and political beliefs then surely this would be a super easy offer to accept.
Unless of course, she knows she’s full of it and running out of bumper sticker catch phrases to put out there and would only look stupid when pushed to answer the question she keeps avoiding … HOW WILL WE PAY FOR ALL OF THIS FREE STUFF?
Or she could just claim it was misogynist of Ben to ask her to debate in the first place.
Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.
And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 10, 2018
Is she SERIOUS?! Wait, don’t answer that, we know she is.
Ben Shapiro asking her to debate is supposedly a man with bad intentions, like any other man catcalling a woman on streets …
Just freakin’ wow.
Discussion and debate are not “bad intentions.” Slandering someone as a sexist catcaller without reason or evidence does demonstrate cowardice and bad intent, however.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) August 10, 2018
There’s that.
But sure, go with “the Orthodox Jew who has never catcalled a woman in his life is ACKSHUALLY a sexist catcaller for asking for a discussion or debate.” I’m sure your media sycophants will eat it up.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) August 10, 2018
And that.
I thought strong women could stand up for themselves and hold their own in any situation…apparently @Ocasio2018 isn’t one of them.
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) August 10, 2018
Nope. Would appear she is all talk and no substance, which most everyone knew already anyway.
Crying sexism in order to avoid a debate of ideas is not a feminism I want any part of.
— Erielle Davidson (@politicalelle) August 10, 2018
Don’t pick on her, she’s just a GIRL ya’ know.
For one, this statement is the biggest disservice to women who want to be taken seriously in politics, but more importantly, you’re undermining women who have been sexually harassed. How dare you.
— Natalie Johnson (@nataliejohnsonn) August 10, 2018
translation: "I han't handle a debate against people who actually think."
— Proud Lego Dad (@LegoLivesMatter) August 10, 2018
Further translation, ‘Because I’m a girl.’
Ben Shapiro has bad intentions, you mean like, exposing you for the economically ignorant illiterate that you are?
Why don't you debate him? It would be a great opportunity for the world to see how dumb your socialist beliefs are.
— That Is Baloney (@ThatsBaloney2) August 10, 2018
Female debating 101… when made to look bad, resort to shaming language
— Janik Litalien (@janiklitalien) August 10, 2018
Not ALL female debaters, just sayin’.
When you think asking for a reasoned debate for charity is the same as catcalling. God forbid you treat a woman as an intellectual equal, you sexists.
— Mo Mo (@molratty) August 10, 2018
You can say a lot of things about Shapiro, but a sexual harassing bad man are not among them. You're just scared BC you know he'd humiliate you. #Pathetic
— IamAEC (@aeconnelly) August 10, 2018
Because nothing says girl power like playing the, ‘I’m just a girl,’ card.
Someone needs to make a video of a woman walking down the street while random men yell "I'll debate you for charity!" #TheStruggleIsReal
— John Sexton (@verumserum) August 10, 2018
But tell us more about that whole blue tidal wave thing.
She is a treasure.
— Matt’s Idea Shop (@MattsIdeaShop) August 10, 2018
Indeed she is.
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