After YEARS AND YEARS of Democrats sabotaging our health care system, they’re now trying to blame rising premiums on Republicans. It wasn’t enough for them to take a system that was working for most Americans and totally crap on it, now they want to campaign on Republicans who are honestly trying to fix the mess THEY made.
Take Chuck Schumer for example …
After months and months of Republicans’ sabotage of our health care system, Georgia insurers say that sabotage has directly resulted in premium increases, adding if the Trump administration implements their #junkplans rule, they may have to raise them even more.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) July 5, 2018
Junk plans.
See, this is why Democrats are struggling. They really believe that allowing Americans to make their own decisions about healthcare is somehow a bad thing and that we’re all too stupid to figure it out ourselves.
Then again, most of their agenda and platform is dependent upon Americans being stupid, so we suppose that makes sense.
Democrats already sabotaged our healthcare system with Unaffordable Obamacare, many millions of us saw premiums$ and deductibles$ skyrocket under Democrats nightmare plan!
— KMarie ???☀ (@Informalib) July 5, 2018
Nice try, Chuck.
Sorry Senator you own this mess. Be a man and own up to it
— Larrytx (@Larrytx2) July 5, 2018
Yeah! Be a man, would ya’?
This would only be worse for Chuck if they showed a headline where Obama promised us all we could keep our doctors if we liked them.
You democrats do not get to Blame Trump for any health care issues, any price increases fall flat in the democrat lap because you had to pass the damm thing to know what was in it.
— James The Objectivist (@Scotty_2017) July 5, 2018
It was so popular they had to force us to use it.
Good times.
You say #junkplans, I say "choice".
— #GodBlessTexas (@ConservTXmom) July 5, 2018
YOU and your cronies sabotaged our healthcare system when YOU voted for Obamacare! If it was so good YOU should use Obamacare.
— Elizabeth (@evaluateit1) July 5, 2018
Still less than the 25-100% annual increases under Obama Care in various states.
— Aaron Dunbar (@DUNBAR74) July 5, 2018
Ruh-roh Chucky.
But tell us more about how it’s the Republicans’ fault.
Son, you got WORKED! Colonel Assault MOM hands blue-check his ARSE for claiming MAGA hates vets
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