Chelsea Handler sees herself as some sort of warrior for diversity, especially when it comes to electing women.
As long as the women in question vote the right way and believe as she wants them to.
Otherwise, she attacks them far more than Trump or any other supposedly sexist Republican man.
Don’t take our word for it …
Another badass female running in Texas #23. I had this woman at my house and she inspired the shit out of everyone there. This is the future. More women, more minorities, and more LGBTQ candidates who represent what this country is all about. Diversity. Tolerance. Compassion.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) June 21, 2018
You preach diversity yet mock @FLOTUS for being foreign. I can't make that make sense. The ignorance, hate, and xenophobia are strong in this one. #MAGA #WWG1WGA
— Outrage Fatigue (@BiglyQ) June 21, 2018
She’s an idiot who is married to a wannabe dictator. I can promote women who are strong and deserve the chance to govern. Melania is a former model married to a madman.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) June 23, 2018
So in Chelsea’s tiny little hateful mind, that makes her fair game.
Sounds legit.
Not funny… As always ??
— Gaming Egg (@Alostcausemf) June 26, 2018
This is DEFINITELY one consistent about Chelsea, she’s not funny.
YOu Chelsea, how many languages do you speak?
— Roger #IamtheNRA (@rogerthatone) June 26, 2018
She speaks dumb and dumber.
It’s all the rage with the Left these days.
You're such a bigot. Why do you hate immigrants?
— Sean Sovereign (@RiteyIndependnt) June 26, 2018
And why he’ll win in 2020.
Hey, thanks Chelsea!
Sooo full of SH*T! Chris Hayes helps Maxine Waters LIE about threatening Trump admin with violence
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