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BOGUS: Katie Pavlich DROPS media for downplaying that iconic mom paid a SMUGGLER to sneak them across border

The Left and the media really stepped in it this time.

Ok, so they step in it a LOT but wow, talk about a misstep with the drama around the immigration policy at the border. We suppose they needed a sweet little girl crying to really push the idea home with the blue wave typesthat Trump is a monster, but they had to know not doing their homework on this little girl or her mother could ultimately be their undoing.


Unless they are as naive as they seem to think their base is.

From the Daily Mail:

Denis said that he believes the journey across the border is only worth it to some degree, and admits that it’s not something he would ever consider.

He said he heard from friends that his wife paid $6,000 for a coyote – a term for someone who smuggles people across the border.

‘I wouldn’t risk my life for it. It’s hard to find a good job here and that’s why many people choose to leave. But I thank God that I have a good job here. And I would never risk my life making that journey.’

The heartbreaking photo was taken by Getty photographer John Moore close to midnight on the night of June 12 near McAllen, Texas, as the row over Donald Trump’s separation of migrant parents and children escalated.

Denis said that he hopes to use the photo and his family’s situation to help him reunite with his daughter.



Katie Pavlich pointed out one other tidbit the media seems to be avoiding reporting on …

Which means this was not a trip across the border necessarily for a better life. Does that mean the little girl was a prop?


But surely she’s just seeking asylum, right? All of these innocent moms with their small toddlers …

Awww, the reality of far too many crossing our borders illegally.

Sorry, Dems, we know you really need something to run on in 2018 but NOPE.

Nice try though.


So they’re not a bunch of toddlers crossing with their mommies and being RIPPED from their arms while trying to breastfeed? The media lied to us?!

Color us shocked.



Now THIS is fake news! TIME gets DRAGGED for ‘standing by’ blatant immigration LIE on their cover

Are you on CRACK?! Alyssa Milano claims she’s beating the NRA (again), gets EMBARRASSED (again)

Oh HONEY, no! Ben Shapiro’s response to super WOKE feminist taking her 5-year-old to protest is GOLD

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