Seung Min Kim seems a tad defensive about the pushback the media received over the weekend after they pushed a 2014 photo of immigrant children in CAGES as something Trump is doing because he’s a big ol’ racist or something.
They deserved every bit of the pushback they received and then some for that.
But hey, she wanted to make sure everyone knew she covered Obama’s ‘migrant’ issues way back when …
Because some are accusing us of ignoring the migrant issue when it occurred during the Obama administration, a thread:
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 28, 2018
That’s not what people actually accused the media of doing but ok.
A story about the Obama White House's push to Congress to step up deportations:
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 28, 2018
The headline reads: W.H. unveils new immigration plan
So hard-hitting, right?
A July 2014 piece w/ @mkraju on the increasing furor from Hill Dems against Obama on how he had handled migrant issue:
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 28, 2018
The headline reads: Obama’s foes on border crisis: Dems
Poor Obama.
A Sept. 2014 piece with @burgessev on how Senate Dems were asking for executive action delay amid unaccompanied minors crisis:
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 28, 2018
The headline reads: Dems push for immigration delay
Hrm. Another piece painting Obama as the victim.
A June 2015 story on how the Obama administration revised its immigrant detention policy under pressure
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 28, 2018
Obama’s officials did it … not Obama.
A Jan. 2016 story with @joshgerstein on how the Obama administration was launching raids on Central American migrant families
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 28, 2018
Still not really screeching at Obama for putting children in cages.
And a story a few days later on Democrats' furor against Obama administration over the raids:
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 28, 2018
Ooooh, they lashed out!
(end thread.)
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 28, 2018
An addendum: Clearly, this was not an exhaustive list of articles I wrote under Obama, and it doesn’t begin to encompass the great work by other news orgs. Didn’t think this obvious point had to be noted.
— Seung Min Kim (@seungminkim) May 28, 2018
Yeah you silly little people, how dare you question these media greats?
Sure, she may have written more than six, but we’ll bet they were all pretty tame. Nothing like the crap they write about Trump STEALING CHILDREN from their poor, innocent parents at the border and locking them away in cages.
Seems like she spent a good deal of time protecting Obama …
Think she meant to prove our point?
six articles over that time frame? SIX? You lot would write that many articles in a hour about Trump getting two scoops of ice cream. .@PolitiBunny
— Me, Myself, and ❌ Some Coding (@LifeOnAHorse) May 29, 2018
Get outta here.
— Lawrence Whitcomb (@LMWhitcomb) May 28, 2018
— Violently Smirking Sean ? (@UprightOrc) May 28, 2018
What annoys people is when the media wants to cover a subject extensively, they will. Six articles in three years when this was an ongoing issue is not getting the job done. The same media personalities feigning outrage over these kids now are being so insincere.
— I am not the victim of hippies (@SpiffUpLife) May 29, 2018
They don’t get it.
Sad POLITICO is sad.
Sounds like her OLD BLOG –> Joy Reid out-NASTIES herself with dig at Ivanka Trump and her son
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