Chelsea Handler thinks her dog is her daughter.
And sure, there are plenty of people who treat their dog(s) as a member of their family (fur babies), but Chelsea took it a step further and politicized her pet.
This is what my daughter thinks of the lack of female representatives in government. Pls pay attention to the strong female candidates we have running. They’re all on my Facebook page and @emilyslist #theyearofthewoman
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) April 8, 2018
What her ‘daughter’ misses is that there are many female representatives in government; of course, she doesn’t count the women who disagree politically with her, especially not the women who are actually getting things done and working in the Trump administration, so she probably missed a few.
Look at the way she treats Sarah Sanders.
Every woman in this administration is helping to oppress women’s rights and education. They deserve it
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) April 8, 2018
Ok, maybe Chelsea should let the dog tweet, surely ‘her’ tweets won’t be this stupid.
Feel free to explain. Specifically.
No asking the bartender for help.
— Blue State Snooze (@BlueSnoozeBlue) April 9, 2018
Wouldn’t hold your breath on this one.
— Matt’s Idea Shop (@MattsIdeaShop) April 9, 2018
You need to have your therapist check your meds. Your tweets are getting weirder and inchoerent.
— Seth Fuller ⛳️? (@sfuller94) April 9, 2018
You can’t expect Chelsea to actually know anything about the women she attacks, they’re evil Republicans.
so, paying attention to strong female candidates equals trashing Conservative women candidates who are keeping you free?
— ❌ JEdward ?️ (@JEdward02) April 9, 2018
Something like that.
You're helping women look like idiots…. fortunately it's mostly just you.
— Eat my art (@danjdob) April 9, 2018
Oh, shut up. Why would you even waste your time following someone you detest so much. I don’t do that, because I have a life.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) April 8, 2018
Chelsea has such a busy life that she takes photos of her dog and posts them on Twitter.
If only wives wouldn’t be forced to vote the way their husbands do.
— Tim Ciani?? (@trucommonsense) April 8, 2018
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) April 8, 2018
Dafuq x2?
It’s hard to take Chelsea seriously about ‘women’s rights’ when she clearly only cares about the rights of certain women.
Need another example of how she treats Republican women? Check this out:
First of all, I graduated from 12th grade. Second of all, i don’t hide my taxes. Thirdly- it’s called free speech. Kind of like how the president tweets hateful threats and gets no punishment. As a woman, you should get your vagina on straight.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) April 8, 2018
Get your vagina on straight.
Alrighty then.
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