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JOLLY JUSTICE! Woke Santa who made young boy cry by refusing him a Nerf gun FIRED (watch what else the mall did to make it right!)

As Twitchy readers know, a Woke Santa told a young boy he would not get him a Nerf gun or any gun for Christmas, which made the young boy cry.

Yeah, that was screwed up.


Santa really shouldn’t be imposing any sort of agenda on the kiddos he talks to, right? We suppose Woke Santa thought he knew better …

Seriously, no Santa should ever make a kid cry like this.

Luckily, it sounds like the mall got rid of Woke Santa and went above and beyond in making this right.

Perhaps they even brought in the real guy himself.


This is so great.


Who’s cutting onions in here?!


We need so much more of this.



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