When Democrats claim the Antifa/BLM movements are ‘peacefully protesting,’ send them directly to this thread from Phillip Nieto. The videos and timeline paint a very different picture from the so-called ‘peaceful’ anti-racist protesters the Left and the media (same difference) have been trying to sell for the past few months.
Protesters in front of St Johns Church chanting if “we don’t get it (justice) burn it down!” pic.twitter.com/KDq73c0Knj
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Nothing says justice like threatening to burn down a church.
Elderly man assaulted by protesters near St. John’s in DC. He appeared to be walking with another elderly female wearing pro-Trump gear. pic.twitter.com/LoharqhA60
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Protesters claim elderly man “assaulted a black female.” He denies the charges adding he was there to “see the fireworks.”
DC Protesters continue to harass the man as he walks away. pic.twitter.com/hh77M3iaho
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Because of course.
Protesters are attempting to corral the crowd toward the White House south lawn: pic.twitter.com/kCbXK6nJf9
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Crowd moving down 17 ST NW chanting, “If we don’t get it (justice), shut it down.” pic.twitter.com/QI8b614NzN
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Protesters chanting “Fuck Trump” while POTUS gives RNC speech at the White House. pic.twitter.com/LrERfte3OJ
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
“Trump” taking a knee with protesters. pic.twitter.com/X1952d5BGD
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
That’s not even a good Trump mask. Psh.
Individual outside the White House guest entrance retreats through the gate as crowd accost him. pic.twitter.com/5zZVqPjY76
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Night ending with fireworks pic.twitter.com/HZqU4uDq7k
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Crowd dispersed near guest entrance after Trump’s firework show: pic.twitter.com/sgxyj1VL75
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
White female protester calls an African American officer a “traitor” & “Uncle Tom.” pic.twitter.com/lZkazyEHee
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Classy as always.
Congressman @BrianMastFL walking through protesters after leaving Trump’s RNC speech. Mob confronts: him: pic.twitter.com/1xvEdyOMBL
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
What a bunch of peaceful peeps.
Man and his wife leaving White House get mobbed on their way back to their hotel by livid protesters. pic.twitter.com/qnpPTfReS3
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Yikes, insane-o in the brain-o.
More RNC guests being harassed after leaving the White House: pic.twitter.com/FhlTZnBSM7
— Phillip Nieto (@nieto_phillip) August 28, 2020
Once a mob, always a mob.
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