The prop-aganda, it scorches! OFA is taking a page from President Prop-aganda himself. Today, the OFA-run (wink wink, nudge nudge) @BarackObama Twitter account tweeted out that photo with the pitiful “need a hug” line. The photo, with a beautiful little girl, was taken in front of a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, natch.
The sensitive Lincoln. “@BarackObama: It's Wednesday. Need a hug?”
— Queen of England (@QueenLizzyII) May 1, 2013
David Gregory must be swooning! Huffington Post did swoon.
um YES RT @BarackObama: It's Wednesday. Need a hug?
— HuffPost Life (@HuffPostLife) May 1, 2013
Distract! Distract like the wind!
To distract from Benghazi, Boston, and the economy, @BarackObama will next hug four orphans and a kitty.
— Kim Jong-unthony Bialy (@AnthonyBialy) May 1, 2013
It’s surprising that President Obama would choose to be “punished” with someone else’s child! But, hey, photo ops.
Citizens are disgusted by the constant use of children as props and swiftly called out the pathetic display. They also suggested different captions and let the president know what they really need. Hint: It is not a hug from Obama.
Barack Obama asking Americans if we need a hug brings out my deeply buried right-wing side.
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) May 1, 2013
“You’re lucky you weren’t aborted.” RT @BarackObama: It's Wednesday. Need a hug?
— ✟ Right Scoop ✟ (@trscoop) May 1, 2013
“I hope you like being a political prop. Because now you are.” RT @BarackObama: It's Wednesday. Need a hug?
— ✟ Right Scoop ✟ (@trscoop) May 1, 2013
No, but 12 million Americans need a job. RT @BarackObama: It's Wednesday. Need a hug?
— Jerome Hudson (@JeromeEHudson) May 1, 2013
Damn, those Syrian hackers are good. RT @BarackObama: It's Wednesday. Need a hug?
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) May 1, 2013
Watch your purse, kid "@BarackObama: It's Wednesday. Need a hug?"
— G® Hū✝söñ (@jess_reign_bass) May 1, 2013
No thx, but I do need answers to #Benghazi RT @BarackObama: It's Wednesday. Need a hug?
— Sean O (@Sean_O_914) May 1, 2013
No, Mr. President. We need to know if you condone or condemn #Gosnell. RT @BarackObama: It's Wednesday. Need a hug?
— Dave Riederer (@DaveRiederer) May 1, 2013
And win.
Keep them coming, Twitter. And Twitter? About that verified @BarackObama account: Time to revisit that?
Another POTUS human prop flop: Denver police tell Obama to prop this!
Pics: Photo Op POTUS uses kids at gun grab political theater, puts on shameful display
Shameless Obama scolds: ‘Shame on us if we’ve forgotten’ Newtown kids; Citizens: Shame on you
First responder on stage with President Prop-aganda: I ‘felt like a potted plant’
Human prop-aganda: Obama to announce gun control measures flanked by kids
Shameful: Obama using children as props for gun grab; WH releases letters from kids
Hey, why is ‘non-partisan’ OFA ‘FACT’ trolling GOP using @BarackObama Twitter account?
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