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BAAHAHAHA! Tim Walz Emerges From Hiding to Endorse the Most HILARIOUS Pick for DNC Vice Chair


We've got major problems happening in America right now, most of them due to failed Democrat 'leadership,' so we appreciate that Tampon Tim Walz -- best known for letting Minneapolis burn, his horribly ignorant football takes, and a humiliatingly failed run for Vice President -- came out today to give everyone on Twitter a huge laugh.


He possibly didn't expect everyone to be laughing at his expense, but that's on-brand for the man who told everyone he was an avid hunter despite not knowing how to load a shotgun. 

This morning, Walz came out with a full-throated endorsement for the next DNC vice chair and as conservatives, we completely support his pick for the job. 

Check it out: 




And yes, Walz is serious. Hogg even thanked the terrible Minnesota governor for his support. 

Could Republicans possibly be this lucky that this will actually happen? We can only hope and dream. 

As Twitchy readers know, this is not the first we've heard about Hogg seeking a leadership position in the Democrat Party. Back in November, the Gen Z gun grabber and 'influencer' announced that he was considering a run for the job.


But we didn't pay it too much mind since it was far too ridiculous to be taken seriously. Now, with Walz's endorsement, it looks like Hogg may have a chance. 

And all we can say about that is, 'Please-please-please-please-please-PLEASE!' 

Yes. He is. And that is as much of an indictment of the state of the Democrats as any of their DEI hires are. 

Look, far be it from us to interrupt our political enemies when they are making galactically stupid mistakes, but being a party vice chair is an actual, you know, JOB. 

Something Hogg has never had in his life. His most infamously failed attempt at one was his pillow company, which lasted all of three weeks before being laughed out of existence. 

But by all means, Democrats, give Hogg the nod. 


If it'll help, we will pray for it to happen. 

Others couldn't help but notice that Walz's endorsement -- and the accompanying photo -- weren't doing anything to quell Walz's reputation as utterly creepy and weird (to use a word he loves). 

There are some questions we don't even want to ASK, let alone have answered. 

Is it possible to have NEGATIVE levels of testosterone? If so, this picture is it. 

HAHAHAHA. Sure, they are. And Hunter Biden is clean and sober. 

We know that the 'White Dudes for Harris' will be 100 percent behind Hogg's candidacy. 


Whoops. That statement can't have gone over well with Hogg, who is only famous because he stepped all over the bodies of his slain classmates to become a political activist and get into Harvard. 

Maybe Hogg can fundraise for the DNC with new pillows featuring this image of him and Walz. 

The money will just come POURING in, we're sure. 

Hey, at least Walz didn't go with Harry Sisson or Chris Mowrey. 

It could be even more electoral votes than that. 

Even better, the DNC vice chair is responsible for so many other races besides the presidential one. Hogg's 'leadership' could potentially lose them all. 


Shhhhh. Don't tell them. 

Or do tell them. It doesn't seem to matter, since they clearly aren't listening to the American people. 

Nope. They didn't learn a thing. 

And that makes us very happy. 

Therefore, please consider this as Twitchy's official agreement with Tim Walz and we would like to add our endorsement of David Hogg as the next DNC Vice Chair. 

Because maps of America look beautiful in red.

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