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J.K. Rowling - $7.7 Billion, Trans Activists - Zero: HBO Stands by Rowling for Harry Potter Reboot


We can't count all of the ways that the gender cult has tried to cancel author J.K. Rowling for having the audacity to state that men are men and women are women, and trying to protect women's spaces. They've tried burning her Harry Potter books (not realizing that they already bought those books), they tried to tank the Harry Potter video game (which broke sales records when it was released), and, of course, there are the countless death threats that Rowling receives nearly every day. 


Through it all, Rowling has not only maintained her firm grip on biological reality, but she has also held onto her acerbic sense of humor, taunting the TRAs about the piles of their money that she sleeps on every night. 

But sanity seems to be contagious. It's easy for Rowling to give a giant middle finger to all the haters because of the vast amounts of 'Eff You' money she has amassed over the years based on the brilliant wizarding universe she created. But corporations have even bigger amounts of money on the line when adapting her work, and many corporations have been cowardly in the face of the alphabet cult in the past. 

Recently, however, HBO and Warner Brothers reaffirmed their commitment to standing by Rowling as they prepare to launch their massive Harry Potter television series in 2026 or 2027. HBO said in no uncertain terms that the crybully TRAs are as powerless to stop her -- or them -- as a wizard with a broken wand. 

Variety, of course, is still cowardly in its reporting, but read between the lines of their Rowling hate to see that HBO joined Rowling to give a massive middle finger to the TRAs:


HBO chief Casey Bloys told reporters at a press event on Nov. 12 that Rowling was 'very, very involved in the process selecting the writer and the director,' and her anti-trans statements 'haven’t affected the casting or hiring of writers or productions staff' for the show. And a spokesperson for the network said in a statement to Variety that its parent company has 'been working with J.K. Rowling and in the Harry Potter business for over 20 years' and 'her contribution has been invaluable.'

'Anti-trans,' Variety? Really? That's why you are part of the dead media. 

'We are proud to once again tell the story of Harry Potter — the heartwarming books that speak to power of friendship, resolve and acceptance,' the statement continued. 'J.K. Rowling has a right to express her personal views. We will remain focused on the development of the new series, which will only benefit from her involvement.'

As Twitchy favorite PoliMath put it: 

Yes, it is absolutely that. 

Nature is healing. Maybe Rowling cast an anti-Confundus charm on everyone at HBO.

Then again, maybe all HBO and Warner Brothers had to do was look at their bottom line to know the right thing to do. 


How much have cancel-crazy, violent, deranged gender cult activists grossed Warner Brothers over the years? 

Regardless of the reason though, many were ecstatic to see HBO showing a bit of spine. 


We can't even imagine the meltdowns happening on Bluesky. We're certain they involve wishing more violence on Rowling though, along with executives at HBO. (There were plenty of meltdowns in the Twitter replies to Variety as well, but we choose not to share the thoughts of those psychos.) 


People are still pretty divided about whether a Harry Potter television reboot is necessary or not, but if it is done right, there is no doubt that millions will subscribe and watch. 

Fans still love Harry Potter. And Rowling.

OK, that's fair. Something tells us that if billions of dollars weren't potentially on the line, HBO wouldn't be nearly as courageous. But we'll still take it. 

We can only hope. But there is no doubt that every day we see more signs of its impending demise. 

We're here for it. Don't think the gender cult will go out without clawing, kicking, and screaming, but as long as sanity is more profitable than insanity, we expect more companies will join HBO in rejecting the screeching and violent demands of the TRAs. 


As for Rowling herself, she has not yet commented on HBO's statement (at least not on Twitter). Whenever she does chime in, we are sure it will be to continue to state the fact that biological sex is real and cannot be denied and applaud HBO for joining her in the ranks of the sane. 

And she'll probably do it from atop another gigantic pile of money. 

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