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Oh, Honey No: Alyssa Farah Griffin Is Sure Trump's Garbage Truck Won't Alter the 'Zeitgeist'

Townhall Media

It's no secret that Donald Trump is a master troll. When he isn't taking a short shift at McDonald's to mock the fact that Kamala Harris never worked there (as she claimed), he is dragging Joe Biden by pulling up to the press pool in Wisconsin in a custom MAGA garbage truck and an orange safety vest.


Whatever else you want to say about him, Trump has outstanding comedic instincts. Even professional comedian Joe Rogan has often credited him for it. 

But even funnier than Trump's stunts are the reactions from the people whose brains he has broken. And when it comes to broken brains, no one exemplifies this more than former Trump staffer Alyssa Farah Griffin, who sold her soul to join the brain-dead panel on The View. 

Yesterday, as the entire WORLD was laughing at how well Trump played the media and Biden, Griffin decided that it was very important that she remind everyone that a comedian told a joke at one of his rallies. 

We would give Griffin a small amount of credit here for at least admitting that the stunt was funny, except that we don't actually believe her when she said she was 'cracking up.' We've seen her on The View. Like most of the left, she doesn't have a sense of humor. 

(We can tell because of how she immediately locked down her tweet.)

That didn't stop her from -- unintentionally -- making everyone else laugh though. It's just that we were laughing at her, not with her. 


HA. You just know she learned that one two days ago and thought it would make her sound smart. 

And yet Griffin does it so effortlessly on a daily basis.

'The Behar Effect' sounds like an untalented garage punk band you might see at a dive bar ... who got the gig because one of their dads is the owner. 

Griffin is 'cracking up' in the way that usually requires prescription medication. 

Doing any of those three things is to the left as garlic is to vampires. (Hey, we couldn't resist. it's Halloween.)


Salena Zito is known for getting out in the world and talking to people outside of the media enclave. She knows way more about the 'zeitgeist' than Griffin, who never leaves her bubble. 

But everyone at the New York cocktail party she went to didn't laugh either! 

She always turns them off. Because she is stunning and brave that way.  

Based on that chart, it would appear that Griffin doesn't really understand the 'zeitgeist' at all. 

We're shocked. 

Well, she does live in a multi-million-dollar New York home. But it still seems like she sold her soul on the cheap. 


For the rest of her life. Not a great trade-off there. 

Amazing that they are actually trying to run with that. Then again, what else do they have to run with? 

Inventing a fictional reality and trying to make everyone else not believe their eyes and ears? 

We could swear there was a word for that. Something about gas? And a light? 

People like Griffin are not interested in what you care about. They are interested in forcing you to care about what they care about. 


How's that working out for them? 


And now we are dead. Alexandria does NOT pull punches, LOL. 

It might be solid advice though. Whatever avenue Griffin might need to untwist her undies would probably be a great idea. For her and for everyone who has to listen to her.

It sure sounds a lot more healthy than her trying to pretend that her fictional 'zeitgeist' is going to sell with anyone other than her fellow panelists on The View. 

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