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'They Have a Point': Biden Disgracefully Recognizes Pro-Hamas Protesters Outside of DNC

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The Democrats who forced Joe Biden out of the 2024 presidential race in July must be some truly cruel people. Not only did they threaten the man into removing himself from the election, but when they gave him a valediction speech at the Democratic National Convention, they buried him on Monday night and then made him wait until well after 11:30 PM before they let him speak. 

No wonder he was so angry and shouty throughout his speech. God knows what kind of drugs they had to pump into him to keep him awake so long after his bedtime. 

The actual substance of Biden's late-night speech last night was another matter altogether. He lied about his record, he lied about Kamala Harris's record, and he really got mad when he was lying about Donald Trump's record. All of the Democrats' greatest hits of lies made it into the speech: the debunked 'suckers and losers' comment, the debunked 'bloodbath' comment, and, most egregiously, the long-debunked 'very fine people on both sides' lie from Charlottesville, which Biden again claimed was the reason he ran for President. 

And not a media fact-checker in sight. Imagine that. 

But what made these lies even more hilarious is that Biden himself -- in a moment of absolutely zero self-awareness -- followed this up by creating his own 'very fine people' moment regarding the pro-Hamas crowds hatefully protesting outside the DNC. And this one wasn't a lie. He said it himself and we'll provide the full context. Watch:

Oh, they 'have a point,' do they? Really, Joe? 

Steve McGuire's tweet continued, laying into the disingenuousness of this statement from Biden: 

This is a major mischaracterization of the protestors. These are people who don’t care about the hostages, who support Hamas, who hate Jews, and who want Israel destroyed and America brought to its knees. 

The continual desire to cast them as peace-loving humanitarians is a major failing. 

People want to believe so badly that the protestors are anti-war humanitarians, but they are anti-Israel, anti-American, and anti-civilizational revolutionaries. 

They are driven by rage and resentment and steeped in murderous ideology. Don’t think for a moment that they would use power for peace and justice. Their vision of the world is a horror show. October 7th is who they are. 

It’s beyond shameful for the President to characterize them this way.

What makes it even more shameful is that, according to Fox News, these lines were not written for him. He ad-libbed them.

So he was not just reading a script that was handed to him. He felt this so strongly that he went off prompter to include the comment. 

It was fairly revolting and Twitter was happy to chime in to show Biden and Democrats the 'point' that the protesters have. 

Is their point that all Jews are 'racist, pig Zionists,' Joe? 

Or maybe their 'point' is that there is nothing wrong with what happened on October 7. 

These are the people Biden was defending. Un-freaking-believable. 

I suppose that supporting terrorist Hezbollah and 'globalizing' the Intifada are points. I just never thought I'd see an American President saying that they are valid points. 

It would be lovely if even one media outlet asked Harris or Tim Walz about what Biden meant when he said 'they have a point' about these horrible people. (We'd suggest they ask Biden, but let's face it: after last night, Biden has been put out to pasture and we may never hear from him again ... even though he is allegedly the sitting President.)

I'm not holding my breath for that to happen. 

I'm old enough to remember when people got sent to jail for years if a barricade was torn down, even if they had nothing to do with tearing that barricade down. 

But, of course, it's (D)ifferent when they (D)o it. 

No, Dana Perino, they didn't think it through. This is instinctively who Biden and the Democrat Party are. 

Everything we see from them that is not this? That is the mask they put on to hide their true nature. 

• No acknowledgment of the billions in US aid/sanctions relief given to Iranian-backed terrorists 
• Continued implied blood libel of Israel starving people of Gaza 
• Continued implied blood libel of Israel targeting Gazan civilians  

This is anti-Israel, terrorist apologist propaganda coming straight from the President of the United States…and the world is a much more dangerous place because of it. 

I can't argue against any of that. It's all true. Especially that last sentence. 

Last night, Biden spoke with the freedom of not having to try to get votes for himself anymore. In that freedom, he let us know who he really is. And it was pretty disgusting. 

And he is probably the least radical of the Democrats who will be taking the stage for the rest of this week, hard as that is to believe. 

When you hear from Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Tim Walz, and Kamala Harris later this week, keep these words from Biden in mind, words he said about people who hate Jewish people and hate America perhaps most of all: 

'They have a point.'  


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