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Brit Hume DROPS AOC for Admitting She Doesn't Work Hard in Congress, Wants to Return to Bartending

If you couldn't make it all the way through Joe Biden's lengthy public execution last night ... errr, we mean the first night of the Democratic National Convention, we can hardly blame you. Even this writer had a difficult time making it through all of the lies upon lies upon lies. 


It started with DNC Platform co-chair Regina Romano claiming that Biden 'patriotically passed the torch' (LOL) then Michigan State Senator Mallory McMorrow brought out a huge, fake 'Project 2025' book and read from it while creepily constantly licking her lips (we don't know what was up with that, but it was kind of gross). 

By the time the senile Biden took the stage well after 11:30 PM, he was just the same angry, shouting Joe from the State of the Union all over again, repeating long-debunked hoaxes about Trump like 'suckers and losers,' 'bloodbath,' and 'very fine people on both sides.' And all of that was before he told countless lies about his own record). 

Long before 'Doctor' Jill woke Biden up for his public coda, though, one of the funniest moments of the night came when everyone's favorite Hot Tamale, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, took the stage (last seen angrily stumping for Jamaal Bowman who lost his primary by 17 points). 

At one point during her speech, AOC decided to address Republican criticisms of her because her last job was as a bartender. It was a good thought since the theme of the night was 'For The People' (don't roll your eyes at us, we didn't come up with it), but AOC's execution of that theme left a lot to be desired. Take a look:

Whoopsies. Did AOC just admit that she doesn't work for a living in Congress? Because that's what it sounded like to us. 


And who, exactly, is stopping her from leaving Congress and going back to do the hard work of bartending? We're certainly not. 

Obviously, this is all just part of AOC's grift. She pretends to be a 'working woman' while she wears uber-expensive dresses (that she doesn't pay for) to the Met Gala with slogans like 'Tax The Rich' on them. 

Megyn Kelly sees right through AOC and nailed her perfectly last night: 

BINGO. 'Congressional Kardashian.' We love that. We may have to steal that one. 

But as good as Kelly's tweet was, no one dropped AOC last night like Brit Hume dropped AOC: 

OOF. Someone call 911. There's been a murder. 

Of course, Hume is a consummate gentleman in real life and would never actually speak to a real bartender or server that way. 

But AOC was asking for it and Whoa Nellie, did he let her have it. 

Part of the reason it was so funny was because Hume was the one saying it.


Forget the top rope. This was Hume from the top of the steel cage. 

HA. Good advice (though Kamala Harris would try to claim that she was the one who wrote that note). 

That's the vibe we got too. Even the most polite person might break out some major-league sass if someone lies so brazenly and constantly as AOC does for a living. 

That he is. 

Others, of course, took great issue with AOC's casual admission that she doesn't currently work for a living, especially since we pay her salary. 

AOC really isn't smart enough to know that she just dunked on herself. 


No, she doesn't realize it. But it isn't. 

LOL. Something tells us that AOC wasn't ever a very good bartender either. 

Unlike AOC though, someone who is very good at his job is Brit Hume. 

We saw a lot of great lines last night on Twitter, but we'd have to agree. 

It sure as hell beat all of the lies that were cascading down from the stage at the DNC all night last night. 

Sadly, we're in for more of the same tonight. We can only hope Brit Hume has saved up some of that sass for the Tuesday block of DNC speakers. 

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