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Socialism Survivor Posts Hilarious Thread About What Could Happen If Trump and MAGA Win


As Twitchy's own Artist Angie pointed out last night, the memo has gone out among Democrats for how to conduct the 2024 campaign between now and November. They do not have a candidate who can run on accomplishments, whether it is the senile Joe Biden or the truly embarrassing Kamala Harris, both of whom are getting demolished in current polls by Donald Trump. 


So, they are going to run on fear. Scaaaaaary new terms like 'Project 2025' (sounds ominous, right?), referring to Trump as a 'dictator' and a 'convicted felon,' and saying this will be 'the end of democracy.' This is their campaign. We should get used to it because it's not going away. 

Of course, the problem with that tactic is that Trump has a record as President and it doesn't reflect anything close to what they are trying to scare people about. The other problem is that Biden and Harris also have a record, and it is a lot closer to that dictatorship than anything Trump has done or has said he will do. 

For a hilarious illustration of this, we found the account of Rex Valachorum on Twitter. This is a small account, but it came to our attention because Valachorum lived under socialism for over a quarter century in Eastern Europe. He knows a thing or two about it. There is a funny line in his bio, 'Always eager to learn about 'what real socialism is' from American Gen Z college kids.'

HA. Perfect. 

Earlier this week, Valachorum posted a long thread outlining all the terrifying things that will happen if Trump wins the 2024 election. 

It won't take you long to spot the pattern here.


The scary red siren could have been posted by the Biden campaign itself. 

Holy cow. Siccing the FBI on parents at school board meetings? Where has that ever happened in the past four years? 

NO WAY. The government would never use intelligence and law enforcement agencies to pressure social media platforms to only publish certain acceptable content, would it? 

As we said, the pattern is pretty obvious already, but still very funny. And educational. 

Hey, Gretchen Whitmer. You are trying to be the heir apparent to the Democrats right now. Does this entrapment plot sound familiar to you? 


We reached out to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for comment about this dastardly plan that Trump and MAGA would try to pull, but he didn't get back to us. Perhaps he was busy meeting with left-wing dark money groups at one of his all-white beach clubs. 

MAGA MUST BE STOPPED. They can't be allowed to do this thing that totally did not happen in the 2020 election.

It's a good thing this idea never occurred to current DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Because that would have been bad


There's even a rumor that Trump would convene a kangaroo court in Congress about those protesters and protests, handpicking the committee members to allow no dissent, and hiding and destroying exculpatory evidence. The committee would blame everything on Barack Obama. 

That would suck, wouldn't it, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger? 

Jack Smith, Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis are shocked ... SHOCKED that Trump would try to do such a thing. 

This would be an abomination to a free press. 


CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, USA Today, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, The Los Angeles Times, Politico, The Hill, and NPR all told us so. 

Adam Schiff went out and bought an entire string of pearls to clutch just thinking about Trump trying to do such a thing to his political opponents. 

Calm down about this one, Democrats. 'AuntTeefa' is just an idea, right? 

We can only hope that esteemed institutions like Harvard, Columbia, NYU, Penn, UCLA, Cooper Union, and others would stand strong against such vile antisemitism. 


Wow. What a dystopian, nightmare future Trump could usher in. We can now understand why some Democrats are urging his assassination by SEAL Team 6, and urging the killing of anyone who would dare support him

Some people on Twitter didn't get Valachorum's satire thread, but the people who did reacted hilariously. 


It truly was very well done. 

Standing ovation. Hand the king his crown. 

Projection has always been one of the favored tools of the left. We all know this. Accuse your enemies of exactly that which you are doing. It is straight out of Karl Marx's and Saul Alinsky's playbook.

But as the Democrats' prospects in November -- including many key House and Senate races, not just the presidency -- continue to look worse and worse, they are stepping up the projection and fearmongering to unprecedented levels. 


Fortunately, the message is not selling well. Particularly when we have accounts like Rex Valachorum, who has experienced the horrors of socialism and totalitarian government, who are more than willing to point out the lies in explicit detail. 

It's a lot harder to gaslight America, after all, when people throw back ALL the curtains to let the truth and sunshine in.

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