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Monday Morning Meme Madness

Gold Star Families Rip Joe Biden a New 'You-Know-What' for Saying No Soldiers Died on His Watch


Now that the presidential debate is over (mercifully, for Joe Biden) and the mainstream media is starting to recover from their collective on-air hissy fit over Biden's disastrous performance, things are starting to return to whatever can be considered normal in a presidential election year. Yesterday, Donald Trump held a huge rally in Virginia, a state he might very well pick off this fall. Biden, for his part, also held a rally in North Carolina where he tried to prove he was sentient by promising to send Trump to prison and coming up with new nicknames for his opponent (Herbert Hoover? Really? Way to show America that hip, youthful energy, Joe). 


But there was one group of people who weren't quite ready yet to put the debate in their rearview mirror, particularly concerning the most disgraceful lie Biden told during the debate. You will recall that Biden claimed that he was 'the only President that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world.' To refresh everyone's memory, here is the clip:


Wow. Maybe because he was too busy looking at his watch at Abbey Gate, Biden forgot about the 13 soldiers who came home from his Afghanistan withdrawal debacle in flag-draped caskets. Or about the three soldiers who were killed by terrorists in Jordan just this year. 

But the Gold Star families of those soldiers didn't forget. How could they? 

After the debate, they absolutely LIT INTO Biden for his horrible, false statement. And rightfully so. 

From The New York Post: 

Kin of the 13 US troops killed in Afghanistan during President Biden’s disastrous 2021 withdrawal told The Post on Friday they were infuriated – but not surprised – by the disrespect he showed in falsely claiming at Thursday’s debate that no service members died overseas under his watch.

In one of the lowest of his numerous low points during his presidential showdown with Donald Trump, Biden seemingly forgot about the 16 troops who have died in overseas attacks over his tenure in the White House, including the 13 in Kabul on Aug. 26, 2021, and another three in Jordan just five months ago.

While the words shocked many across the nation, the repulsive faux pax particularly stung the hearts of the Gold Star families who lost their loved ones in the violent attacks on US troops since Biden took office in January 2021, said Mark Schmitz, whose son Marine Cpl. Jared Schmitz was among the fallen 13 in Kabul.

'My phone blew up for probably 20 minutes after that came through, and everybody was just in utter shock. And my poor kids were in the next room – let’s just say I ultimately ended up having to apologize to them for my language,' he told The Post. 'It took all self restraint not to put my fist right through my TV. I was beyond ticked off, disrespected. That’s all we’ve ever gotten out of this president.'


'That's all we've ever gotten out of this president.' 

Yeah, that tracks. The only servicemember Biden cares about is named 'Beau,' who he brings up at the drop of the hat. Anyone else? He can't be bothered and just forgets all about them. 

Other family members of fallen soldiers chimed in equally harshly, calling Biden's statement 'shocking' and 'a despicable lie,' and accusing him of wanting to sweep Afghanistan under the rug and pretend it never happened. 

But maybe the most damning indictment of all that came from every one of the families is that none of them said they were surprised. Steve Nikoui, whose son was killed in Kabul, said, 'I was just as shocked as anyone else, but I wasn’t surprised. I’m glad that the rest of America is able to see what we’ve been dealing with for the last three years.'

The following clip from Gold Star mother Kathy McCollum is emotionally charged (understandably) and hard to listen to, but Biden should be forced to hear it on a loop after what he said at the debate. 


We can't even begin to understand how McCollum must have felt after watching Biden Thursday night. 

He doesn't. Biden hasn't even TALKED to many of these families, let alone honor them -- or the fallen soldiers -- in the manner they deserve. 

Sums it up quite neatly. 

We do not feel the need to be charitable toward Biden in this instance. 

If Biden doesn't remember it, it just must not have happened. This is ironic, given that many of the things Biden DOES 'remember' actually DIDN'T happen [cough - Uncle Bosey - cough].


He had an entire week to prepare for the debate and he still got the one thing wrong that no President should EVER get wrong. Amazing. 

He doesn't know their names. Not one of them. 

From what the families said, they don't plan on forgiving Biden any time soon. And who can blame them? 

Politics fosters lies, presidential politics even more so. We get that. But some lies are far worse than others. 

The lie Joe Biden spoke at the debate about men and women who gave their last full measure of devotion to the country he is pretending to lead is the worst, most disgraceful lie of all. 

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