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WOOF! Gretchen Whitmer Tweets a Dog-Themed Campaign Ad and the Cringe Is Fatal


We love dogs at Twitchy. LOVE them. And we know, as humans, we don't deserve them and their loyalty, playfulness, and most importantly, their unconditional love. 


But you know what we don't love? Dogs being used as cheap, cringeworthy political props. It is a tacky stunt designed to make politicians look like 'regular people' and it NEVER works. It's almost as bad as when politicians pretend they know how to grill. But when they use dogs for this purpose, it angers up our blood. 

So, you can imagine the reaction when we saw this campaign ad that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer tweeted out last night. 

Stop it. Just ... stop it. This does not make Whitmer -- one of the most unrelatable people in politics -- seem more relatable. It makes her seem, appropriately, like a hack. 

It makes us wonder if we can stage a rescue for those poor pups in the picture. 

And what's with the pretend halting speech? That's just insulting to everyone. 

Sorry, like we said, this angers up our blood.

We aren't alone there. 


You get the picture. 

Other people wondered if Whitmer had maybe been spending a little too much time with Hunter Biden. 

Whatever she smoked, we DON'T want any of it.

We think we might taste pennies as well. 

But the real victims here weren't all of the users on Twitter who had to view this embarrassing tweet, it was her dogs.

The ASPCA should intervene. 


Dogs are OUTSTANDING judges of character, after all. If they're cringing at this, trust those instincts. 

Real Michiganders were perhaps the most embarrassed of all. 

We're so sorry. 

She embarrassed all of us, but we feel your pain. 

HAHAHAHA. Oh man, we forgot about that. Here it is in case you forgot about it too (and we apologize if you had MEANT to forget it): 

Jesus. We have no words. 

We apologize to our managing editor for stealing one of her catchphrases here but ... WOOF indeed. 


Even Cruella de Vil didn't treat dogs this badly. 

As Homer Simpson would say, 'The most ridiculous ad we have seen ... SO FAR.' 

It's only June. 

LOL. OK, that one made us spit up our drink. 

Whatever else happens, this tweet should be saved by whatever Republican runs against Whitmer next. The only person in American politics who did worse by her dogs than Whitmer is Kristi Noem. And we all know how well that worked out for her.

Toys-in-the-attic, padded-room, bars-in-the-window, batpoop crazy. 

When you tell us who you are, Gretchen Whitmer, trust us ... we believe you. 

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