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You CANNOT Make This Up: Los Angeles City Council Removes 'Homophobic ' No U-Turn Signs


In the great Bill Murray comedy Groundhog Day, one of the best scenes is when Murray's character Phil Connors has lost hope that he will ever break out of repeating the same day over and over with no end in sight. Delivering his introduction to the festivities at Gobbler's Knob to the TV camera that morning, Connors delivers this classic statement of despair: 


'I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life.'

Sometimes we feel that way about 'pride' month. Especially when we keep seeing the insanity that comes out of the LGBTQIA+ cult every June. 

This afternoon, after seeing what the Los Angeles City Council just did to celebrate 'pride,' another movie quote also came to mind. This time, it was Mugatu in the movie Zoolander shouting, 'I feel like I'm taking CRAZY PILLS.'


That's right. You heard correctly. 'No U-Turn' signs are now 'homophobic.' And, yes, they are being serious. 

Because we are not leftists, we want to be fair about this story, so here is a little historical context. In the neighborhood in question here, Silver Lake, there used to be signs labeled 'No Cruising' under the No U-Turn signs in the late 1990s. It seems pretty obvious that those signs were directed at detering the gay community away from the neighborhood back then. 

But all those 'No Cruising' signs were taken down long ago. But that wasn't good enough. 


Apparently, over the past 20 years, 'No U-Turn' signs became homophobic by association? 

We don't know. We're done trying to make sense of this nonsense. We'd prefer just to mock it. 

Given the fact that one of the people featured in the video is a man dressed as a woman who goes by the name 'Maebe A. Girl,' you're not going to get any argument from us there. 

And actual Los Angeles City Councilmembers ATTENDED this debacle. Wow, it's a good thing L.A. doesn't have any other pressing issues for its City Council to be concerned about. 

And they wonder why people everywhere are doing donuts with their trucks or scooters on 'pride' flags painted on the street. 

We can't blame you on that one, Mr. Presler. 


And why did no one consider the legitimate traffic safety concerns that a 'No U-Turn' sign would address? 

While we wouldn't want anyone to be hurt, it would be hilarious if the removal of these signs resulted in a HUGE spike in fender benders in Silver Lake. 

As they say, 'Play stupid games ...'

Of course, this isn't really about 'equal rights' or 'discrimination' at all. 


We're not sure if even The Babylon Bee could have predicted or come up with this one. 

All that is left is pure, naked farce. 


LOL. Excuse us for a moment. This writer just spit up juice all over his keyboard. 

HAHAHAHAHA. Don't give Mayor Pete any ideas. 

We can imagine the news report: 'It was a very INCLUSIVE eight-car pileup today in Silver Lake.'

And every time we think it can't get any MORE stupid, the leftists just come up and say, 'Hold our spicy peach margaritas.'

That would be a u-turn we could ALL appreciate. 


This would require an entire TEAM of psychiatrists working around the clock for an entire lifetime and even then they still probably wouldn't be able to figure it out. 

That's an interesting choice of words. There is actually something called 'No U-Turn Syndrome' in Singapore, which is reflective of its citizens having a mindset of higher compliance with rules compared to other societies. 

The acronym for 'No U-Turn Syndrome' is ... N.U.T.S.

Call us crazy, but we think that acronym applies better to Los Angeles.

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