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FINISH HIM: Byron Donalds Claps Back HARD on Hakeem Jeffries Over Jim Crow Comments

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

The Democrats are desperate about Joe Biden's numbers with black voters and it is REALLY starting to show. Biden can't afford to lose even a few percentage points from that demographic and win re-election. Right now, he seems to be losing WAY more than a few percentage points. 


We won't go into all of the reasons why. You know them all. From the horrible economy to the erasure of women in favor of the gender cult, it is easy to see why black voters would be leaving Biden in droves. 

But it is pretty hilarious to watch them try to grasp at straws to trick those voters into coming back. 

This is where Byron Donalds and Hakeem Jeffries come in. This week, Donalds -- who may be on Trump's short list for vice president -- was campaigning for Trump at a fundraiser in Philadelphia. There, he made many observations about black families and the media latched on to one of them. 

The whole article from The Hill is pretty biased, as you would expect, but we do give reporter Lauren Irwin credit for providing Donalds' full quote for context: 

During the conversation, the first-term lawmaker said he is starting to see the 'reinvigoration' of Black families, adding that it is 'helping to breathe the revival of a Black middle class in America.' Donalds also claimed that the nuclear family — or one with a mother, father and children living under the same roof — and its values have been eroded by Democrats and lost among Black voters after they supported the party following the Civil Rights Movement, the outlet reported.

'You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative — Black people have always been conservative-minded — but more people voted conservatively,' Donalds said.


There's not really anything controversial here. The use of the term 'Jim Crow' was probably not the wisest choice, but there is no question that black families were stronger and stayed together more in the early 20th century than today. 

But that didn't matter to Hakeem Jeffries. He pounced and seized. 

That's great, Rep. Jeffries, but there's only one problem. Donalds never said ANY of that. He said that families were together, and that is simply factually true. 

And we're sorry, but 'You'd better check yourself before you wreck yourself?' Really? This is the man Democrats consider their next great leader and orator? 

Needless to say, Donalds was having none of Jeffries' lies about what he said. In less than an hour after Jeffries' tweet, he clapped back and he clapped back HARD. 

Damn. 'Joe Biden does not care about black people. He never has. He cares about power first, second, and third.'

Someone get some ointment for Jeffries (and Biden) because that's gonna leave a mark. And, unlike Jeffries, everything Donalds said was true. 


American Conservative provided the numbers to back Donalds up. 

This was a long tweet, so we won't transcribe all of it, but here are some of the salient points: 

When Johnson came to office in late 1963, more than 90 percent of all American babies had married parents.  The 1960 census showed that nearly 9 of every 10 children from birth to 18 years of age lived with two married parents. 

In fact, between 1940 and 1965, illegitimately had grown from 4 percent to 8 percent, but in the 25 years that would follow, those numbers would dramatically jump to nearly 30 percent by 1990. 

Today more than 40 percent of all Americans are born to unmarried mothers. More than 3 of every 10 children live in some arrangement other than a two parent home.  Cohabitation continues to climb, and has become the acceptable norm for millions of Americans.  The most recent Census Bureau report says barely half of all American children are living with both married biological parents. 

Marriage rejection rooted in the 1960s has real ramifications: never-married adults who are 34 years old or younger is now 46 percent of that demographic.


Is there any question that black families -- heck, families of ALL races -- stayed together more in the mid-20th century than in the past few decades? 

Of course, there's not, which is why Jeffries had to gaslight about what Donalds said. 

As we said, the Democrats have seen the polls. They're in crisis mode. 

Congressman Hunt went on in his tweet to give Biden a report card for his record on race. 

Here’s Biden’s Race Report Card for anyone keeping score:  

- Eulogized an exalted cyclops of the Klan
- Worked with and praised segregationists
- Opposed busing (Kamala said it)
- Authored 94 Crime Bill
- Said he didn’t want his children growing up in a 'racial jungle.'
- Told millions of black voters if you’re having trouble deciding between me or Trump then 'you ain’t black.' 

Biden can’t run from his record on race and we won’t let him.

Ouch. That's a pretty crummy report card.


Congressman Burgess Owens was equally devastating. 

His tweet concludes, 'Their fear…Black Americans are finally realizing that Dems have always been the party of BIGOTS.'

It's safe to say that the black conservatives were pulling ZERO punches in calling out Jeffries and Biden. 

We're not sure where Trump's head is at with respect to his VP pick, but he could do a lot worse than Donalds. 


There is nothing that terrifies Jeffries or the Biden campaign more than facts, except maybe the fact that black voters are LISTENING to the facts. And agreeing with them. 

HA. It was the perfect way for Donalds to end his retort (a lot better than how Jeffries ended his gaslighting speech at least). 

Tough and fearless non-white conservatives. They are the Democrats' worst nightmare. 

And we hope they keep it up and keep speaking out. We know Donalds will.  

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