With the recent Israel offensive into Gaza to root out Hamas terrorists (including using the Mediterranean Sea to flood their network of tunnels), images have begun to emerge from Gaza of the Israeli Defense Forces taking Palestinian prisoners.
This seems to have upset a number of 'journalists' [quotation marks added intentionally], who apparently think these images are emblematic of Western cruelty and inhumanity ... or something.
Jeet Heer of The Nation seemed to believe that stripped-down prisoners were an indictment of America and all Western nations.
The majority of the American ruling class, indeed a majority of the ruling class in the West, supports this. pic.twitter.com/ErIsIH5T92
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) December 7, 2023
This was followed by Thomas Fazi (who seems only to be a journalist because he calls himself one), who simply tweeted two sarcastic words in response to the image:
Western values. pic.twitter.com/d9XeMbpApI
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) December 8, 2023
We're not entirely sure what the problem is here. Some have said that some of the men in these pictures are not Hamas terrorists, but just civilians. Umm, the last time we checked, Hamas didn't wear military uniforms and hid among civilians. Since the IDF does not employ psychics (as far as we know) rounding up terrorists is going to include some non-combatants. Not to mention the fact that 'civilians' in Gaza might not mean what most people would think it does, given how loudly many of them cheer for Hamas.
As for the men's clothing being removed, we can't really think of a better way to ensure that the prisoners aren't wearing the latest in Hamas fashion, a.k.a, suicide vests.
The indignation (and attempted moral equivalency) from Heer and Fazi was met with all of the scorn and derision it deserved.
The keen eye will notice they are all very much still alive and in possession of their heads. https://t.co/Wd7GSreWeR
— Fuzzy Chimp 🇺🇸 (@fuzzychimpcom) December 8, 2023
None of them look tortured or sexually assaulted either. Shocking.
I knew these pictures would trigger them.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) December 8, 2023
How dare Israel take prisoners in a war. https://t.co/xnBoKyc4Aj
Won't someone please think of the Hamas terrorists? https://t.co/Wc6EyXepuJ
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) December 8, 2023
Gigi Hadid is organizing a Hollywood fundraiser for them as we speak.
How dare they take prisoners alive and strip search them. The nerve. Poor Hamas. All these poor souls did was murder and rape men, women and children. https://t.co/RUhyBa6vRH
— The Dank Knight 🦇 (@capeandcowell) December 8, 2023
Apparently, some people are cool with their children dealing with embedded terrorists with hidden weapons and suicide vests.
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) December 8, 2023
Sorry that this shocks your delicate sensibility but, every single one of those stripped men lived. None were tortured or shot. Now imagine how Hamas… https://t.co/AZLdm2cenE
Yep, Western values.
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) December 8, 2023
When military-age men surrender, strip them to ensure they don't have suicide bombs, then detain them (or confirm they are civilians and let them go).
Guess you'd rather Israel shoot them instead? Or behead them? Set them on fire? You know, like Hamas does. https://t.co/dNhdmCq208
Call us crazy, but we kind of prefer Western values to the values of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, the Houthis, etc.
Here are some more examples of people who felt the same way.
It says everything about commies that they're more horrified by a picture of Hamas terrorists in their underwear than the wanton murder of Jewish children. https://t.co/mgz66UWoGP
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) December 8, 2023
Yes Western values. Capture your enemy. Don’t just execute them, along with children. Yes strip your enemy to make sure they have no hidden weapons. It’s humane military treatment vs terrorist behavior &/or a fantasy ideal of how armchair fools think war should be managed. https://t.co/UISxloMvQR
— Zetetic Advocate (@ZeteticAdvocate) December 8, 2023
Correct—not beheading, raping, or executing prisoners https://t.co/mG607ZbQVZ
— Peachy Keenan (@KeenanPeachy) December 8, 2023
Yes, they support the taking of POWs alive. It's indeed a thing in the West. https://t.co/knfP7ZyY2h
— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) December 8, 2023
You mean the Israeli army arresting terrorists and stripping them down to ensure that they aren't wearing suicide vests? Oh no, the absolute horror. https://t.co/TzPxopy5EE
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 8, 2023
Taking your enemies prisoner... Enemies that openly state they want you dead... Instead of killing them?
— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) December 8, 2023
Definitely is a Western value. https://t.co/uYatVibqv0
We're not sure if the Hamas apologists have gotten the memo yet, but it appears that no one is buying their propaganda anymore. And that's a good thing.
Perhaps the funniest part was when professional perpetual wrong person, Briahna Joy Gray, also tried to get in on the outrage train, feigning horror at Chaya Raichik and Dave Rubin, both Jews, celebrating the defeat of terrorists who murdered and tortured their fellow Jews.
Innocent civilians have been identified in these photographs.
— Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) December 7, 2023
Stripped, humiliated, abused by Israel with US funding. Cheered on by the American right. pic.twitter.com/Z3SjM4Zwjz
Thankfully, Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll, a writer for Jewish women's rights, was there to shut Gray up with a single tweet:
If the first image bothers you more than the second there is something deeply wrong with your worldview. pic.twitter.com/WXurglBjXH
— Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll (@skjask) December 8, 2023
We're going to go ahead and call that a victory by knockout from Jaskoll.
There is something very wrong with their worldview. And the best way to destroy that worldview is to mock it into oblivion.
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