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Brian Karem bravely vowed to remain on Twitter and everyone laughed at him

You may not know who Brian Karem is. He works with some of the biggest boobs in the business (he’s a political analyst for CNN).

He’s also the White House correspondent for Playboy.


Looking to capture one of those coveted ‘Courage in Journalism’ awards, Karem bravely vowed that he will not be chased from Twitter. Brian would not be deterred by the fact that nobody is trying to chase him off Twitter because he’s a hero.

Brian also committed to criticize Elon Musk. This is a stunningly brave pledge at a time when literally no one is criticizing Elon Musk.

Twitter users took the opportunity to play pin the nose on the clown with Karem.

Maybe you remember Brian Karem now. Yep, he’s the clown that liked to yell during Trump press conferences, picked a fight with Gorka, and sued after have his White House press pass revoked.

That will not stop the great Brian Karem!

He will not go quietly into the night!

He will not vanish without a fight!

He’s going to live on!

He’s going to survive!

Sorry, we got a little carried away there.



Hey, the bravery can only go so far.

Classic gif usage.



LOL! We think Brian’s registering somewhere on the scale above Soledad O’Brien but below John Dean.

They’ll probably start handing these out at the The White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We here at Twitchy appreciate people like Brian Karen … er … Karem.


Bwahaha! Perfect.


He’s a giver!

He reached Twitter’s clown limit. Perhaps we should petition Elon Musk to raise the clown limit?

We’d bet $8 on it.

Everyone cares in Brian’s mind.

‘Brian Karem, you’re your hero!’

This is how they see themselves. Elon Musk takeover Twitter really is the best Twitter. LOL.

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