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WaPo Editorial Board Took the Liberty of Writing Biden's Drop Out Speech (Not That She'll Allow It)


Yesterday President Biden spoke with Democrat stage governors and made something very clear:


We're sure Jill Biden completely agrees that her husband should stay in the race, and much of the media has now been spotted returning to their default "circling the wagons around the White House" positions.

However, the Washington Post editorial board is just a little late to the media's "Biden maybe should step aside" temporary party, and they even took the liberty of writing that speech for him:

Here's the conclusion of that suggested speech from the Post's editorial board, and these words do in fact sound like Biden's press office could have written them, complete with the "15 million jobs created" BS:

The question on American minds when Washington stepped aside was: What now? I owe Americans an answer to that question, too. The Democratic National Committee, senior Democratic leaders and I have agreed on an orderly process to select our next nominee, which will include debates between now and our convention in August. My vice president, Kamala Harris, has graciously and courageously agreed to participate. Though Democratic primary voters cannot be included at this late date, their delegates will make the final choice.


Four years ago, the pandemic was raging. More than 10 million Americans were out of work. Many businesses and schools were closed. People were exhausted by Mr. Trump’s chaos. Today, our economy is the envy of the world, thanks to 15 million new jobs, extraordinarily low unemployment and a start-up boom. Record numbers of Americans have health insurance, and we have made historic investments in our infrastructure and in the fight against climate change. Our allies respect us again, as we have rallied the free world against Russian aggression.

Americans, I invite you to search your soul as I have. Are we so unsure of ourselves that we will empower a would-be king, one who has been given expansive powers by an activist Supreme Court? Or will we look back on Washington’s example, in the spring of American life, and recognize that our independence is built on service, sacrifice, a willingness to assume the best in one another and the belief there will be better seasons to come?


Would Biden even be able to read all that off a teleprompter without saying "pause," "repeat the line" or "truzullempazure"? Doubtful.

But now that Biden's recovered from his head cold and two-week bout with jetlag, everything will be fine moving forward, right?

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