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'Speaking of Crowd Sizes...': AOC's Bronx Rally Performance Hits 'a New Level of Funny'


The fact that President Biden wouldn't be able to fill an Applebee's dining room with grassroots supporters at a rally and has taken an entire week to disappear from the public eye to focus on practicing standing up for 90 minutes in preparation for Thursday's debate hasn't stopped his paid fans from trying to mock the crowd size at Trump's rallies. 


That was a nice try but, contrary to what the Dems hope is the case, people have eyes. 

That brings us to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez trying to get out the primary vote for notorious fire alarm puller Jamaal Bowman. AOC certainly put on one of the performances of her career.

"Unhinged" doesn't even begin to describe it:


Since we're on the subject of crowd size, different angles of the Bowman/AOC rally are being shared:

The crowd was bigger than what Biden would draw, but still...

And yet AOC was on stage acting as if she was speaking to a packed house at Yankee Stadium.

It was pretty close to being another one of those "reporters outnumber actual attendees" situations. 



Maybe AOC and Bowman will claim that pics of the crowd are "cheap fakes." Stay tuned.

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