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'Ouch'! NY Post Cover About Biden at the G7 Is Just Brutal

Once again, the sharp as a tack Biden that we're told exists behind the scenes was nowhere to be found in front of the scenes at the G7 summit, where other world leaders seem to be taking turns keeping the U.S. president on track:


Team Biden's lucky so much of the media will not be interested in showing clips like those.

CNN will have to put a bell around Biden's neck in case he wanders away during the debate later this month.

The New York Post's summary of Biden's G7 stop so far won't exactly make the White House thrilled, especially coming from the outlet that first had the laptop story the Dems/media/Big Tech worked so hard to censor: 


There's only one word for it:

And that's the one!

Italy's Prime Minister and others seem to have a second job this week service as Visiting Angels caregivers:

All is well!



Biden Wishes Reporters Would ‘Play by the Rules’ When Asking Questions

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