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AP's Breakdown of Biden Chair Video for Debunking Purposes Reeks of Dem/Media Desperation


One of the videos that made the rounds during President Biden's visit to France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, where, according to Politico, he "stormed the beaches for democracy," was this one:


That clip and others resulted in mockery, memes and all kinds of theories about a U.S. president the White House and Democrats say is sharp as a tack, but only "behind the scenes."

It's gotten so bad that the DNC's branch press office, the Associated Press, is breaking down the video in an effort to prove that the awkward moment everybody saw wasn't as uncomfortable as everybody thinks. 

This is almost like a Babylon Bee joke: 

The Associated Press is ready, willing and able to literally carry Biden across the finish line if that's what's required.


Biden state media strikes again!

The AP's "the video has been edited" fact-check seems to itself be slightly edited.

The media's "don't believe your lying eyes" shtick about your grocery and gas bills now extends to Biden's words and actions in public.


Which leads us to this fun video:

Can the AP explain what's going on here?

Regarding "fact-checking," the Associated Press's takes all sound like they came straight from that Biden-Harris HQ account.

Crickets from the AP when it comes to lies that come from the Left.

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