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AOC Preps Bronx Voters for Tonight's Trump Rally With an Amazing Gas Price Warning

Does everybody remember how much higher gas prices were back when Trump was in the Oval Office because he enabled energy producers to price gouge?

Neither do we.

But ahead of tonight's Trump rally in the Bronx (Biden's lead in NY has been trimmed to single digits), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is taking the usual Democrat strategy of laughable projection to explain why it's imperative to vote for Biden:


Team Biden has at least partly blamed higher gas prices since he took office on "corporate greed" so, ironically, they're warning of higher gas prices if Trump is elected because of corporate greed. Go figure.

AOC knows that the people who vote for her will might eat that up:

We're not sending some of the best to DC.


It's also funny that AOC was recently bragging about the Dems' show trial hampering Trump's ability to campaign around the country but now complaining that he's holding a rally in NYC.

If AOC wants to have a chat about energy prices maybe she should go have a chat with the current president who promised to "end fossil fuels."

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