Over at Townhall.com Guy Benson has a great column about what Democrat leadership is saying vs. what they’re actually after. In this case it’s in regard to their reaction after the draft decision on Roe v. Wade was leaked by something in the Supreme Court:
Media outlets are running constant headlines about Congressional Democrats’ efforts to “codify Roe” with legislation, with a vote scheduled for next week in the Senate. This is factually inaccurate. Yes, it’s what Democrats are saying they’re doing, because “codifying Roe” is more appealing from a public relations standpoint than what they’re actually proposing — but just because a political party makes a claim doesn’t mean that journalists must endlessly and uncritically repeat the false partisan framing.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald has picked up where that leaves off and examined some of the “performative, empty outrage” coming from the Democrats:
Dems are telling their followers that overruling Roe is one of the most cataclysmic events in decades so everyone has to give their cash and vote and vote, all while Pelosi and House Leadership campaign for a pro-life incumbent in Texas against his pro-choice Dem challenger. pic.twitter.com/dECMDdgKZ0
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 6, 2022
Democrats are absolute experts at this sort of performative, empty outrage. They ran in 2006 on a pledge to end the Iraq War. They won, Pelosi became House Speaker, and they knew it would help them in 2008 if the unpopular war was still raging, so they kept funding it. pic.twitter.com/IJeZHVfHI1
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 6, 2022
“Performative, empty outrage” sounds pretty much on-brand for the Democrats.
Democrat reality vs. democrat perception. https://t.co/7lgpY9g072
— Smurphy (@Zittycoin) May 6, 2022
(They don't actually care about the things they say they care about.) https://t.co/e7a53RZiG1
— Dren (@Dren0184) May 6, 2022
You can also throw climate change into that mix. Nobody who seriously believes the coastlines are about to be underwater would drop millions on a beach house.
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