President Trump and his coronavirus team continue to monitor and manage the response to the outbreak at a federal level, but CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter, citing an anonymous source (naturally), seems sorely troubled:
Admin officials "say the White House has made a deliberate political calculation that it will better serve Trump’s interest to put the onus on governors — rather than the federal government — to figure out how to move ahead."
Let that quote sink in…
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) April 11, 2020
Notice how that’s framed to make Trump following exactly how responses are supposed to happen sound as devious as possible because “journalism” or something.
Mother Jones’ David Corn and Daily Beast editor-at-large Molly Jong-Fast were equally appalled by the president’s lack of authoritarianism:
Trump. Only. Cares. About. Trump.
— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) April 11, 2020
All trump cares about is continuing the grift, ergo getting re-elected.
— Molly Jong-Fast? (@MollyJongFast) April 11, 2020
So the people who have been warning that Trump’s a wannabe dictator for four years are now ticked off that he’s not living up to their false portrayals? How special.
— Stacey – Queen of #CorporateMediaDistancing (@ScotsFyre) April 11, 2020
Out: Trump is a wannabe dictator!
In: Trump won't act like a dictator!— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) April 11, 2020
Does the Resistance media realize what a joke they’ve become? (File that under “R” for “Rhetorical questions”)
Alexa, define "United States"
— China is lying (@jtLOL) April 11, 2020
Brian has blown the lid off this “basic structure of the US government” scandal.
— The Partyman (@PartymanRandy) April 11, 2020
You know who else made that calculation?
The people who design our system of government.
Let that sink in.
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) April 11, 2020
And in some circles Stelter is considered a “journalist” — let that sink in as well.
Wow, states looking at their specific situation and tailoring policy to their jurisdictions? MADNESS!
— neontaster (@neontaster) April 11, 2020
It's almost like that's how the country was designed to run.
— Robb Cabansag (@RobbCab) April 11, 2020
So he is respecting the authority and responsibility structure of our national government rather than asserting his own interests over the states?!
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) April 11, 2020
Amazing how many people want "literally Hitler" to make a sweeping declaration that affects every life in the country.
— Matt from Queensbury (@MattTheKing) April 11, 2020
Rest assured that if Trump asserted federal control over the governors, Stelter would be raking him over the coals for being a dictator and overreach. This is #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
— Alan Poirier (@alan_poirier) April 11, 2020
There is absolutely no doubt about that.
"speaking on the condition of anonymity"
You "reporters" are just making sh*t up at this point. You never have named sources. No one believes you anymore
— WilliamTeach2 (@WTeach2) April 11, 2020
“Sources say” equals “claim to be taken with a grain of salt.”
Ohh yeah, federalism, right into my veins
— Political Gritty Sits on a Throne of Skulls (@PoliticalGritty) April 11, 2020
Except its also the opinion of Lisa Monaco, advisor to Joe Biden, that its the job of the Federal government to support state and local response.
Good talk.
— Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) April 11, 2020
This is how it's supposed to work, Brian. Top-down government doesn't work. No matter who's in charge.
I'd tell you to let that sink in, but there's nothing inside your skull for it to sink into.
— China is lying (@jtLOL) April 11, 2020
Admin officials who preferred to empower states to tailor responses to crises instead of a one-size-fits-all federal government edict:
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) April 11, 2020
It’s called States Rights….the Fed has no authority under the Constitution to shut states down…
— Conservativ American (@JustConservativ) April 11, 2020
"Let it sink in that fifty different governors with fifty different levels of infection will determine what steps are best for their fifty different states instead of Washington imposing a one-size-fits-all policy."
Spud should stick to snarking on Fox News.
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) April 11, 2020
That’s also how the country was designed to work.
Have you ever even glimpsed the Federalist Papers? Ever?
— RBe (@RBPundit) April 11, 2020
The Constitution of the United States, how does it work?
It's a short document, Brian, try reading it. If you need help with some of the big words, don't be afraid to ask.— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) April 11, 2020
“Journalism” takes another holiday at CNN.
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