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'Awesome'! Dana Loesch describes what happens to her hate mail/tweets (Hint: Gun control cheerleaders will be TRIGGERED)

As you’re well aware, gun rights proponent Dana Loesch stands tall in the face of some of the most vile hatred that gets thrown her way. But Loesch also wants the haters to know they serve a purpose, albeit one they won’t appreciate:


Oh now that’s funny!

“Liberty stash” is just perfect.



Lauren Duca tries to memory-hole DISGUSTING tweet sliming Dana Loesch (SPOILER: It DIDN’T work)

‘She’s a TOTAL coward.’ Dana Loesch takes Samantha Bee APART in BRUTALLY honest tweet-storm

‘Hugs and KISSES’! Dana Loesch TORCHES frothy-mouthed #Resistance troll with just 4 lovely words

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