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We're Not Getting the Full Transcript of the Kamala Harris CNN Interview

Meme screenshot

As we reported earlier, Luke Russert said that Kamala Harris set the bar for the 2024 election by giving "lucid and coherent answers" on a variety of topics over 50 minutes. I watched the interview and it was not 50 minutes. She may have given answers for 50 minutes, but CNN edited that down to about 18 minutes. The rest of the time was filled with ads, videos about how awesome Harris is, and a panel discussion of how it went.

By the way, I noticed a lot of people asking why CNN was claiming the interview was live:

It wasn't live. It was recorded earlier in the day and CNN was given until 9 p.m. to edit it together.

Sadly, that might be true. We still have no idea what her policies are. The Hill even did a piece on Democrats encouraging Harris not to talk policy. As John Harwood said, why doesn't she do more interviews and press conferences? Because she wants to win.

The clear view we got was that Harris's values haven't changed, even though her campaign has flip-flopped on all the positions she took during her 2020 run for president.

I don't believe for a minute that Harris has changed her mind on banning fracking — not if her values haven't changed.

Word has it that the interview was over 40 minutes long.

There's a pending Community Note saying that "CNN has already released the full transcript of the interview," but the link to CNN provided shows a transcript of what was televised. Catherine Herridge asked if CNN would commit an act of journalism and post the full transcript, but they're not going to do that.

Some people say the CNN bus was sitting outside the diner where the interview took place for six hours. There's no way CNN found a diner and dragged in cameras, a lighting rig, and sound equipment for an 18-minute interview.

Is this the only interview we're going to get before the election? I haven't heard anything about another interview. Democrats are advising Harris to stay in the proverbial basement.

At least Bash can now say she's talked to two Democrats who want abortion-on-demand til the time of birth; she'd claimed last August that she'd never had.



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