As Twitchy reported Monday, during an interview with GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, NBC News' Dasha Burns decided to turn the interview into a debate, correcting DeSantis and his claim that Democrats are pushing for abortion on demand right up until delivery. If that's true, why do so many Democrats want to codify Roe v. Wade, which made late-term abortions legal nationwide? And speaking of Democrats, after how many weeks are they pushing to make abortion illegal? They've railed against every law limiting abortion, be it six weeks or 15 weeks. What's the cutoff Democrats are pushing for, because we haven't heard. Why do Democrats vote against legislation that would require a baby that survives an abortion to be given medical care?
Now we have CNN's Dana Bash saying she too has never talked to a Democrat who wants abortion on demand right up until delivery. She has talked to Democrats before, right? In that case, she has.
CNN's Dana Bash claims she's never spoken to a Democrat that's for late-term abortions.
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) August 8, 2023
"I have not talked to a Democrat who wants abortion-on-demand til time of birth."
This is pretty remarkable. She's either avoided covering abortion entirely or is entirely ignorant of what the laws in places like CA and NY allow in terms of abortion up to the moment of birth.
— Federalist Musket🇺🇸 (@Patriot_Musket) August 8, 2023
Or she's covering for Democrats.
That topic just doesn’t come up in conversation at their DC cocktail parties. They all know each other attendee is anti-life but they keep the details of how far along a murder in the womb should go. Too vulgar even for their death cult.
— You Otter Know (@Barbie530652452) August 8, 2023
I'd like to see these Dana Bash interviews with Democrats advocating for limits on abortion.
— adam (@SCAdamH) August 8, 2023
She's a pretty big deal at CNN. You'd think she could reach out to some Democrats and ask them after how many weeks abortion should be illegal. She's the journalist, right?
Dana is lying.
— Mark 🥓🥓🐊 (@PitmasterMark69) August 8, 2023
Well, then outlawing them shouldn't be a problem, right?
— Raising Civic Literacy From the Dead (@raisingcivlit) August 8, 2023
That's because she lets them get away with simply saying it's up to the woman and her doctor, but she knows damn well many Democrat ran States it's right up to the 9th month and the very last day of that month if they do
— ANJI USA PASSION🇺🇲🙏😘 (@usa_anji) August 8, 2023
Has she spoken to one supporting any specific limit prior to birth?
— Dave Mason (@EvadMason) August 8, 2023
That's all we ask. Give us the name of one Democrat who supports limits on abortion.
Wait, @DanaBashCNN hasn't talked to ANY House Democrats? That is piss poor journalisming.
— Pablo (@Pablo_1791) August 8, 2023
Does she read
How many times did Bash talk to Obama? He voted against a born alive law in Illinois.
— MoronicHeadline (@MoronicHeadline) August 8, 2023
Bash should get out there on the street and ask some Democrats about it:
Corporate media tells us there is "no evidence" Democrats support abortion until birth.
— DeSantis War Room 🐊 (@DeSantisWarRoom) August 8, 2023
Here are 5 minutes of Democrats admitting they do.
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