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AFP Warns of Kamala Harris Being Flooded With 'Gendered Disinformation'

Journalism meme

As Twitchy's Amy Curtis posted earlier Tuesday, the Associated Press was already circling the wagons around Vice President Kamala Harris, saying that a "wave of false claims about her eligibility and her background" were swirling the moment she became a nominee for president.


Not to be outdone, Agence France-Presse (AFP) quickly rushed out a piece about the "flood of gendered disinformation" about Harris. What the hell is "gendered disinformation"? Is that like when people refer to Michelle Obama as "Big Mike"?

False narratives have surged online! The thing is, a lot of authentic narratives have emerged online, and if AFP were a real news agency, they'd cover those. Doctored images, like the AI-generated fan art of Harris as Captain America?

Anuj Chopra reports:

Doctored images, sexual slurs, racial innuendos -- false narratives around Kamala Harris surged online as she emerged as the Democratic frontrunner in the US presidential race, with researchers warning of an incoming flood of gendered disinformation.

An online explosion of misogynistic and sexist narratives about Harris quickly ensued, including previously debunked falsehoods.

Some social media posts repeated suggestions Harris "slept her way to the top" in American politics, citing her brief relationship in the 1990s with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown.

Yeah? Prove to us that's a debunked falsehood. We dare you to commit to journalism.



They tried to sink President Joe Biden's election with Russian disinformation, i.e., Hunter Biden's laptop. Now we've moved on from Russia disinformation to "gendered disinformation." It was absolutely predictable.


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