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Motorized Scooters Will Shut Down If They Touch the Pride Mural in Spokane

AP Photo/Michel Euler

As we reported, some city leaders broke down in tears during a press conference announcing that a manhunt was underway in Washington for several suspects who "desecrated" a Spokane pride mural painted on the road. Just a few hours after Spokane repainted the LGBTQ+ pride mural, three teenagers were arrested for first-degree "malicious mischief" for leaving skid marks on the mural with their rented scooters.


A local reporter was triggered to see teens back at it the next day:

If you don't have them in your city, a company called Lime rents out motorized scooters using a system where you scan a QR code with your phone. Lime condemned the use of their scooters to commit such a crime:

Further, Lime said it had put a "no-go zone" around the pride mural. They can do that?

The Publica reports:

“All of us at Lime condemn these vile acts in no uncertain terms,” Lime Director of Government Relations Hayden Harvey told The National Desk. “At a time when our teams at Lime are beginning pride celebrations around the globe, it is disturbing to see the hate taking place in Spokane.”

Lime has now implemented a “no-go zone” over the crosswalk, meaning scooters driven over the mural will be remotely shut down. According to the company’s website, entering a “no-go zone” will cause a Lime vehicle to “gradually come to a stop,” forcing a rider to walk their scooter until it is outside the zone.


You can rent a scooter but will have to walk it across the pride mural.

This keeps happening across the country. Maybe it would be a good idea not to paint your sacred symbol on the road.



It is scary to know that Lime can put up no-go zones for its scooters. If the GPS detects you're in a forbidden area, the scooter shuts down, even though you've rented it.


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