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City Leaders Cry Over’ Desecration' of Pride Mural, Begin Manhunt


Just yesterday I reported on a manhunt underway in St. Petersburg, Florida for a driver who left tire marks on a Pride mural painted on the road.

When I saw this post today, I thought it was a follow-up with city officials from St. Petersburg. But it's not — this atrocity happened at a rainbow crosswalk in Spokane, Washington. End Wokeness assures us that a manhunt is underway.

As many have said, it's become a state religion. The Pride flag has more protections than the American flag. You could sit in a rainbow crosswalk and block traffic demanding a ceasefire in Rafah and nothing would happen to you. But if you "desecrate" the Pride symbol …

And Pride Month is right around the corner. That's like trying to observe Easter on Trans Day of Visibility or honor our fallen soldiers on George Floyd Remembrance Day.

Maybe stop using taxpayer money to paint Pride murals on city streets. 

Good point.

They should cheer up. Pride Month is just around the corner, and we'll have the Pride flag flying from the White House and tons of parades featuring fully nude men in body paint and dildo ring toss.

I've said before that my neighbors are gay, and they're our best friends. They don't fly a Pride flag — they don't think their sexuality is something you should know about just by driving past their house. They take pride in their flower garden. A rainbow crosswalk does nothing for them.

We just had a month of Jewish students being physically blocked from entering campus. A sitting member of Congress helped block entry into one of those "Gaza Liberation Zones."

But look at how oppressed the LGBTQ community is.



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