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President Joe Biden POUNCES on Latest Nazi Rhetoric From Donald Trump

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

As Twitchy reported Tuesday, liberals couldn't believe the biggest news story of the day wasn't Donald Trump openly telegraphing that he intends to be the next Hitler. Rep Dan. Goldman posted, "Donald Trump wants to be the next Adolf Hitler." This was after Trump posted to Truth Social a supporter-made video that happened to include the words "unified Reich" for three seconds. 


As someone pointed out, it was just placeholder text in a stock video template.

President Joe Biden weighed in on Trump's use of Nazi rhetoric earlier this year when he called out the "communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs who are living like vermin in our society." The media pounced as well; just look at the headlines. NPR: "Why Trump's authoritarian language about 'vermin' matters." The Washington Post: "Trump calls political enemies ‘vermin,’ echoing dictators Hitler, Mussolini." Reuters: "Biden says Trump echoed Nazis with use of word 'vermin'." Axios: "Trump's 'vermin' speech again draws scrutiny to extreme rhetoric." The New Republic: "It’s Official: With 'Vermin,' Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk."

We were wondering if Trump's "unified Reich" was going to catch fire in the media, but it seems it hasn't. CNN did repeat the "very fine people" hoax in its reporting:


Someone in the White House thought it would be a good idea to release a video of Biden watching the shocking footage:

Did they have to wake Biden from his nap to shoot that? How many takes?

Even if there were, there's no way Biden could have seen it. It was a tiny canned headline in the background for a couple of seconds.


Democrats and the media stretched out the "bloodbath" hoax for a week.


The communications staff didn't have much time to come up with a script, so they went with that. Biden cares.


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