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AP Reports That Noncitizen Voting Has Become a GOP Talking Point Even Though It's Illegal

AP Photo/Charles Krupa

The Biden campaign keeps trying to hit on Speaker Mike Johnson for a bill making it illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. It's already illegal, so what's he trying to prove? Sen. Mike Lee recently posted a lengthy thread on just how "shockingly easy" it is for noncitizens to vote. As we reported, a Mexican NGO called Resource Center Matamoras has been distributing flyers to illegal immigrants encouraging them to vote for President Joe Biden. "Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open," the flyer reads.


Christina Pushaw noticed the Washington Post shift from "it's not happening" to "it's happening, but it's rare."

What does the Post mean by noncitizen voting is "rare"? How rare? Once is too many times. Not to mention that President Joe Biden recently slipped up and said the millions of illegal immigrants who've crossed the border during his administration are "model citizens."

Now the Associated Press is carrying water for the Biden campaign, noting that noncitizen voting, while already illegal, has become a centerpiece of Republican messaging. Maybe Republicans are concerned that millions of "model citizens" have been imported since the previous election.


As Lee said, it's basically the honor system.

We know that at least California and Minnesota will issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens.


WaPo and the AP have reported on it, the Biden-Harris HQ account keeps posting about it … if it's already illegal, it should sail right through without opposition. So why the resistance to codifying it?


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