Before we get to USA TODAY, let's review the argument over abortion from the past couple of days. In an interview/debate with GOP candidate Ron DeSantis, NBC News' Dasha Burns tried to tell DeSantis that it's not true that Democrats are pushing for legal abortion right up until delivery. That's weird, because she didn't say after how many weeks Democrats thought abortion should be illegal. Then CNN's Dana Bash chimed in, saying that she's never spoken to a Democrat who supports abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy. If so, why do they want to bring back Roe v. Wade so badly?
"Hey there! It's the Republican Party here, just popping in to let you know we are listening, we have heard you and we are now proudly pro-choice!"
— USA TODAY Opinion (@usatodayopinion) August 9, 2023
Rex Huppke writes for USA TODAY about his proposal after another electoral shellacking of Republicans over the issue of abortion:
Hey there! It’s the Republican Party here, just popping in to let you know we are listening, we have heard you and we are now proudly pro-choice!
We realize this may come as a surprise, given our past support for draconian restrictions on women’s rights to make their own reproductive health decisions. But look, we were young then. We got swept up in some stuff, figured we knew everything and assumed we could establish an unbeatable patriarchal system insulated by gerrymandering and restrictions on voting rights.
… we, as a party, needed to start asking ourselves some tough questions, like: “Why do voters keep telling us exactly what they want, and then, when we try to deny them what they want, they vote against us?”
And: “How come when we keep saying ‘We hear you loud and clear, voters, and that’s why we’re definitely going to strongly advocate for something you oppose,’ voters don’t vote for us?”
Any man who writes about "an unbeatable patriarchal system" is not to be taken seriously.
"abortion is health care" 🤔
— Blame Big Government (@BlameBigGovt) August 9, 2023
Abortion is not healthcare- somebody always dies.
— King Tired 3 (@KingLassitude3) August 9, 2023
How come when the American people continually say they are for some restrictions on abortion, such as late-term abortions, Democrats don't listen and demand abortion at any time for any reason? Why don't Democrats listen to people who are fine with a 15-week limit? Why do they lie, as mentioned above, and say no Democrat is for late-term abortion? They've voted for laws allowing medical providers to leave a baby that survives a botched abortion to die.
States that have put restrictions on abortion certainly have compromised more than Democrats, who won't budge.