Whenever we post video we try to track down when and where it was shot, but all we know about this one is that 1) he’s not wearing a mask and she’s wearing a coat, so it can’t be too recent, probably February or so, and 2) it’s making the rounds Wednesday. We don’t often get to see Joe Biden out in the wild — he’s usually in his basement or behind a podium, although we did see him blow off questions from reporters during a visit to his childhood home in Scranton, as he also did a week ago at a campaign stop in Delaware. “I look forward to having your questions at another time but I’m off to another event,” he explained.
From the footage we saw from Scranton, Biden certainly was able to zoom in on a couple of kids in the “crowd” and ask about their ages, but this video has sort of a “Scent of a Woman” vibe, doesn’t it?
Wait, he’s blind now too? pic.twitter.com/mb1VTf8Qhi
— Denlesks (@Denlesks) July 29, 2020
When people talk about Biden’s handlers, they literally mean his handlers.
This is not how a well man is handled. https://t.co/l3NATjg8nM
— Chris Stigall (@ChrisStigall) July 29, 2020
James Woods has questions:
Is a nurse going to walk him to the debate podium as well? pic.twitter.com/ihJPOCauZi
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 29, 2020
As long as the nurse is young and pretty with great smelling hair , he will survive this whole thing!
— Laura Clotworthy (@ClotworthyLaura) July 29, 2020
James, I've been saying for months to my friends he will never make it to that stage. He will come up with some excuse to get out if the debates. There will be no Joe Biden at the debates, mark my words.
— Idiots My Age (@idiotsmyage) July 29, 2020
He’s not planning on a debate, I’m calling it now!
— Samantha (@Samanth10925459) July 29, 2020
The scary thing about this video is it was obviously taken earlier this year. He's so much worse now.
— Victory or Death ???? (@IncognitoMeems) July 29, 2020
Does ANYONE when know when this was? It appears to be MONTHS ago and he's only gotten worse since then.
— ??????? rEcLaIMiNg mY tImE (@dbetzel) July 29, 2020
I think we all can pretty much predict there won't be any debates. It is a shame because I was really looking forward to seeing Trump crush Biden.
— ??PatrioticEagle?? (@PatrioticEagle3) July 29, 2020
Unfortunately, the Presidential Debates may never take place, because all the venues will "beg off." You know how that works, @RealJamesWoods
— Bill Griffith (@BillGriffithNew) July 29, 2020
The Democrats are gonna make up every excuse known on Earth for why Biden shouldn't take part in the debate. Watch how creative they will get
— sol l (@szlava97) July 29, 2020
There won't be a debate. That would 100% be the end of Biden's campaign.
— Loren Brown (@PlanViewMedia) July 29, 2020
They’re not going to debate. Live in front of an audience? Nope. Not gonna happen.
— OfficerK (@IsDeckardHuman) July 29, 2020
He will never debate President Trump.
— Lighthouse (@Lamppost26) July 29, 2020
There will be no debates.
— Dagny_Galt ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@Dagny_Galt) July 29, 2020
If you think he is actually going to debate President Trump, then you have been smoking some stuff in Denver. His minions have already been laying the groundwork for "declining" to debate… and, with an amazing amount of "tone-deafness", blaming said refusal on Trump.
— Joe Snuffy (@JoesephSnuffy) July 29, 2020
His handlers make sure he doesn’t stop, so no one can ask him an unscripted question.
— Ohio Nole (@flst8) July 29, 2020
My God, if President Trump had to be led around like this it would be front page international news.
— Damian Ranger (@DamianRanger1) July 29, 2020
Will Brian Stelter say Joe Biden is avoiding the press as he brushes off questions while surrounded by ‘crowd’ of supporters? https://t.co/2m5LGipSbh
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 10, 2020
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