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Activist Chelsea Handler takes $1 million cheap shot at the Koch brothers over charitable giving

As Twitchy reported Wednesday night, Chelsea Handler is not returning for another season of her Netflix show and will instead focus on becoming an “engaged citizen” and becoming better informed, in part by visiting areas of the country she doesn’t know much about.


That was her big announcement Wednesday, and by Thursday night, Handler had announced quite publicly that she had donated $1 million to hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico. Not bad for her first day as an activist.

Gee, for someone who had just made a statement about bridging the political divide, she certainly was specific about whom she called out over donations. What was she tweeting about when Trump pledged Aug. 31 to donate $1 million of his own money to hurricane relief efforts in Houston?


That mention of Trump’s own donation was nice. Yeah, this bridging of the political divide is going to go well. A million to charity is nice until it becomes a $1 million cheap shot at your political opponents.

Again, we searched for her simple “thank you” tweet when Trump announced his donation, but most progressives were just ticked that the money wasn’t enough considering his wealth, and it mostly was going to Christian charities — that’s not going to pay for abortions or left-wing activism.


Make no mistake — it’s wonderful that the money is going to disaster relief. We’re just curious now what Day 2 and beyond of being an activist will look like after the million-dollar donations dry up and she starts traveling across a red state or two.

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