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VP Vance May Never Recover from This! PA Democrat Rep. Houlahan isn't Mad, She's Just Disappointed.


Conservatives seem to agree, VP Vance's speech in Munich was quite impressive. It was bold, direct, demanding and above all, a powerful call for freedom of speech. So, naturally, the left hates it.


Librarian Scold, who you probably never heard of, Democratic Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, of PA, the first woman to represent her district no less, had some very harsh words for the Vice President.

I’m struggling for the words to describe my disappointment with Vice President Vance’s speech at the Munich Security Conference. I feel as though all of Europe and half of America deserve an apology.  

VP Vance chided and derided Europe for the very things that our great nation is wrestling with. He maligned the continent’s leaders and voters when our own house is not in order.  


According to him, Europe is “retreating” away from free speech and is making wrong choices about who should be “part of a free society.” He maligned them for not leading with the right values and for persecuting those who disagree with them. He also spent time scoffing at the idea that Romania’s election was possibly compromised, with not a whiff of a mention of the violence of January 6 or the attempt to annul our own election of 2020. And, not a word about Ukraine or Russia.  

The hypocrisy is just more than I can take. 

I’m sorry. This does not reflect who we are and how much we value the European Continent.

She isn't mad, she's just very disappointed.

You sure type a lot of words for someone who’s struggling to find them. Maybe you should’ve just not tweeted this? FYI: Europe is not “retreating” from free speech… It is sprinting towards full totalitarianism. You do know that they’re locking people up for social media posts in England, right?


Give her a minute to compose herself! She is overwhelmed by the weight of her sadness.

Apologize to us? That sounds like a better plan. Let's go with that one!

The hypocrisy is just more than she can take!


No. No, she doesn't. She's a Democrat and a Republican is in office, so America is back to being an embarrassment.

Pretty sure Americans are tired of the Obama era apology tour still favored by leftwing progressives who love free-speech hating Europe more than freedom-living America.

Americans want strong leaders speaking truth and refusing to back down to global outrage. If Democrats like Rep. Houlahan are upset or, 'disappointed,' then it was probably a great speech. According to all the people that matter, it absolutely was!

Thank you, VP Vance!

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