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Nation's Report Card on science suggests this might not be the best time for schools to focus on 'wokeness'

As Twitchy reported in April, the Virginia Department of Education is moving to eliminate all accelerated math courses before 11th grade as part of its equity-focused plan. From grades 6 through 10, all students will take the same “essentials” courses; only in 11th grade will those with an aptitude for advanced math courses have them available.


That’s not good news, going by the 2019 Nation’s Report Card for science, which lists the percentage of students who are proficient in their grade level. Corey DeAngelis is the national director of research for the American Federation for Children, whose aim is for money to follow the student, not the school.


Abigail Schrier thinks this is probably not the best time for teachers to focus on the white supremacist roots of math class.




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